Source: All Africa
The women's Sande Society that operates throughout West Africa 'is evil' and a danger to peace and stability, Montserrado County Superintendent Grace has told visiting members of the UN Security Council, while soliciting financial or other forms of assistance to eradicate it.

Source: The New Times
The wider use of contraceptive methods within the East Africa region is still undermined by underlying cultural beliefs that glorify large families, health officials said during the 5th Eastern Africa Reproductive Health Network (EARHN) summit.

Source: 7th Space
South Africa's maternal mortality rate (625 deaths/100,000 live births) is high for amiddle-income country, although over 90% of pregnant women utilize maternal healthservices. Alongside HIV/AIDS, barriers to Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Carecurrently impede the country's Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) of reducing childmortality and improving maternal health.

Source:Daily News
Saving the lives of both mothers and their infants during childbirth is one of the most challenging problems facing many countries in Africa. In Zanzibar out of every 100,000 live births, 378 women die in labour or in complications related to childbirth.

Source: AllAfrica
The fifth coordination meeting of the Eastern Africa Reproductive Health Network (EARHN) started on Monday with the theme "Repositioning family planning and reproductive health in Eastern Africa."

Source: The Botswana Gazette
At the time of writing this piece, Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf had just arrived in Botswana on a three-day official state visit. This piece serves as a tribute to Sirleaf whose election as the first female head of state in Africa should inspire African women.

Source: The Guardian
Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ivory Coast need funding to address the humanitarian crisis of violence against women, report claims

Source: The Guardian
Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ivory Coast need funding to address the humanitarian crisis of violence against women, report claims

Source: IPS
BULAWAYO , May 22, 2012 (IPS) - Gertrude Mkoloi earns a living harvesting maize on a small piece of land in rural Zimbabwe. Or at least she used to.

Source: BBC
President Joyce Banda has said she wants Malawi to overturn its ban on homosexual acts - the first African country to do so since 1994.

Source: AllAfrica
The visiting fifteen members of the United Nations Security Council delegation, co-led by Ambassador Susan Rice of the United States of America and Ambassador Mohammed Loulichki of Morocco, started their day just outside Monrovia, at a United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) sponsored "Alternative Livelihood Project for Traditional Women". The project hosts three-month vocational training courses which are managed by a Liberian non-governmental organization.

Source: Times Live
A report launched by a national women's campaign in Braamfontein shows some of the basic human rights enshrined in South Africa's constitution are still contested in communities across the country.

Source: News 24
Angolan security forces have raped women and girls from neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo who came to Angola's diamond fields in search of work, Human Rights Watch charged in a report on Monday.

Source: The New York Times
The number of women dying from pregnancy and childbirth has dropped sharply in the last two decades, according to a report by a consortium of United Nations agencies set to be released on Wednesday.

Source: People & the Planet
The number of women dying in pregnancy and childbirth worldwide has been cut almost in half in the past 20 years, but much more remains to be done, according to a study released today by several United Nations agencies.

Source: Health Canal
Researchers find alarming prevalence of malaria and sexually transmitted infections among pregnant women and call for urgent trials.

Source: Business Daily Africa
A friend tells of a rather sad story of him being in the rural part of Kenya and coming across a pregnant woman on a wheelbarrow being rushed to a clinic.

Source: IPSNews
Have women around the world become more empowered in their reproductive health and rights over the past 18 years? This is one of the questions that some 300 parliamentarians from around the world will be examining when they meet in Istanbul, Turkey, this week for the Fifth International Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) programme of action.

Source: AllAfrica
The sod was cut on Saturday for construction work to begin on a GH¢240,000 Maternity Block for the Ejisu Government Hospital, which is being funded by MTN Foundation Ghana.

Source:United States Embassy 
"Women parliamentarians call for help" according to an article in Nord-Sud Quotidien (p. 5). The newspaper reports on a roundtable discussion organized by the National Democratic Institute (NDI), an American NGO promoting democracy, to reinforce Ivorian women parliamentarians and NGO leaders' participation in conflict resolution and the peace process.


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