Source: IRN
Malawi's new president, Joyce Banda, has inherited an unenviable to-do list from former president Bingu wa Mutharika, and AIDS activists are hoping that bolstering the donor-dependent AIDS response will be one of her most urgent priorities.

Source: Arabic Network for Human Rights Information
The sentencing of a young Sudanese woman to death by stoning for adultery presents numerous grave violations of domestic and international law, Human Rights Watch said today. The sentence also underscores the urgent need for Sudan to reform its legal system in accordance with its human rights obligations, Human Rights Watch said.

Source: The South African Civil Society Information Service
In April 2009 women stripped half naked and took to the streets of Ado-Ekiti (Nigeria) to protest the rerun governorship election. Protesting under the title "Peace rally in support of democracy in Nigeria," the protesters gathered under the auspices of Ekiti Women for Peace and Development.

Source: The Zimbabwean
Very few issues in Zimbabwe today raise people’ hackles faster than that of gender. According to the Oxford dictionary the word gender simply means ‘a grammatical classification corresponding to the two sexes.’ When you talk about gender you are supposed to be talking about maleness and femaleness, or even being sexless. Not so in Zimbabwe. If you mention the ‘gender issue’ you are treading on dangerous ground.

Source: USA Today
Throngs of protesters converged on Tahrir Square in the relative cool of a recent evening, waving flags, wearing face paint and trying to unite around a slew of demands.

Source: IRIN
As the number of African children adopted by people outside the continent reaches record levels, experts, activists, government officials and academics have called for the practice to be stemmed, warning that adoption was too often motivated by financial gain rather than the best interests of the children involved.

Source: Guardian
By not supporting journalists, aid agencies are severely limiting their access to the truth about what is happening in developing countries and, therefore, their ability to make a difference

Source: Xperedon
A number of non-profit orgs and their partners are revealing evidence that the battle against Aids/HIV is starting to be won on several fronts...

Source: The Swazi Observer
Swaziland is among 11 countries that have failed to make any progress in the past years towards meeting one of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Source: Voice of America
Fertility rates as well as future projected population growth are much higher in Africa than in any other part of the world.  A new report by a Kenyan-based organization says that in some African countries, political will, maternal and child health concerns as well as more and more funding are helping to develop effective family planning.  

Source: Leadership Newspapers
Nigeria, accounting for 47% of the population of West Africa, according to experts at a 5-day workshop organised by Africa Leadership Forum (ALF), has a moral responsibility to lead the continent towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Yet its health system is ranked 187th of 191 WHO member states. Writes PEMBI STEPHEN-DAVID

Source: Karama
The Economic Cost of Violence survey—the result of a collaboration between Karama and its economic realm in Egypt, which is led by the Egyptian Association for Community Participation Enhancement (EACPE)—was released last month, sharing that the total national cost of women’s exposure to violence exceeds 785 million Egyptian Pounds (LE) a year, over three billion LE over the last three years.

Source: Guardian
Politically charged calls from a Coptic bishop to follow a Muslim example have infuriated women already suffering harassmentWhile all eyes are focused on the presidential race, on the streets of Egypt, inch by inch, bit by bit, women's rights are shrinking. Women, Muslim and Christian, who do not cover their hair or who wear mid-sleeved clothing are met with insults, spitting and in some cases physical abuse.

Source: SPY Ghana
The Vice President, John Mahama, has reiterated the importance of gender in conflict prevention, management and resolution — and therefore lauded the introduction of a training course at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Centre (KAIPTC).

Source: UNAMID
30 May 2012 - A three-day forum on strengthening gender-sensitive laws and empowering women to participate in government today concluded in El Fasher, North Darfur.

Source: Government of Ghana
The Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) is introducing a Master of Arts in Gender, Peace and Security programme, which was inaugurated in June 1, 2012.

Source: The Moment
The appalling condition and discrimination against women in Nigeria politics is giving the minister of women affairs and social development sleepless night. RAJI ADEBAYO analysed the situation, while the Minister proffers solution to these anomalies.

Source: Rwanda Focus
On Monday, the Gender Monitoring Office (GMO) and the Rwanda Women Parliamentary Forum (FFRP) held a meeting aiming at enhancing their partnership and information sharing on gender matters.

Source: The New Times
A new report has revealed disturbing facts; Rwandan women occupy few leadership positions, contrary to the common belief that Rwanda has a fairly high number of women leaders.

Source: IPS 
"It was so frustrating but so exciting at the same time," recalls 15-year-old Mariam Assam, a year-10 student in Cairo. Assam was recalling the days she tried to join protestors during the Egyptian revolution in January 2011 but was intially prevented by her parents who said street protests were no place for a girl to be.

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