Source: All Africa
ABANTU for Development, in collaboration with Women in Broadcasting (WIB) and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) will be organizing a series of monthly press conferences starting from today June 11 to November 13, 2012 (once every month for 6 months) to highlight pertinent issues for consideration by the media and the general public on the urgent need to continue women's rights and gender equality in the Election 2012 and beyond.

Source: All Africa
Although Namibia has passed many gender-related laws, these laws have yet to benefit women in far-flung corners of this vast country where outdated and oppressive cultural traditions still dictate how women should live their lives.

Source: All Africa
Rwanda's First Lady, Mrs Jeannette Kagame, yesterday in Gabon, took part in the Dialogue for Action Africa, a conference on promotion of women rights.

The dialogue, organized by Cecilia Attias, a seasoned activist for women's rights, brought together NGOs, representatives of the private and public

Source: Global Times
South Africa on Monday called on the international community to double its efforts to promote the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, saying "no single country can be successful in the fight" against the epidemic.

Source: New Era
One in every two victims of domestic violence receives a death threat from the abuser, according to a comprehensive survey carried out by the Legal Assistance Centre on people who applied for protection orders in Namibia.

Source: Amnesty International
Political leaders must act immediately and halt arms supplies to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where they continue to fuel unlawful killings, rape, looting and abductions, Amnesty International said in a new report published today.

Source: Bikya Masr
Amnesty International on Monday called on the Egyptian authorities to investigate the attacks against women last week in Tahrir Square, including the violence meted out against peaceful demonstrators on Friday evening.

Source: The Observer
Despite global progress to achieve Millennium Development Goal Number 5, which calls for a 75% reduction in maternal mortality ratio by 2015, statistics points to a struggle.

Source: Health-e
The lack of proper sanitation, poor access to health services, malnutrition and HIV/AIDS are all contributing factors to early childhood deaths. Maternal deaths are also increasing, mainly due to HIV infection. This is according to studies done by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

Source: The Post Online
"I will never escape the past - it will keep haunting me simply because I was there, yet I was unable to protect her like any husband would."

Source: All Ghana
More than 600 investors, political leaders, private sector officials, and economic experts from the world are meeting in Libreville, Gabon, for the first ever New York Forum for Africa.

Source: Guardian
A mob of hundreds of men assaulted women holding a march demanding an end to sexual harassment in Cairo, as attackers overwhelmed male supporters and molested several of the marchers in Tahrir Square.

Source: NBF News
The statistics of the state of the Nigerian women and adolescent girls are appalling. Significantly, they are worrisome all over the country, North, South, East or West. Women everywhere in Nigeria have worse life chances than men.

Source: The New Times
Parliament has been tasked with the harmonisation of the Abortion Act with Article 14 of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa commonly known as the Maputo Protocol.

Source: GhanaWeb
The Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG), a non-governmental organization committed to sexual and reproductive health activities, is collaborating with the Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP) to provide quality health care for the people of the Kwahu East District.
The project is being implemented in partnership with the District Health Administration and the District Assembly.

Source: The Guardian
Aside from occasional volleys of gunfire, the centre of the western city of Zawiya is eerily silent as a group of medical students and their close friends gather. Not knowing what else they can do, they decide to make a film having little idea of what the outcome of it would be. 'In the video, we simply stated that we, the women of Zawiya, are here and will not be quiet. It seems like so little, but to us at the time, it was so much,' said one.

Source: Daily Trust
The 2012 Gender in Nigeria Report launched recently shows that gender inequality not only exists in the country but at highly worrying levels. There is a lack of gender balance in the economy, education, politics, health, access to justice and almost all areas of human development.

Source: UN WOMEN
Good Evening! I thank the President of the General Assembly, Ambassador Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, for devoting this wonderful occasion to UN Women and to the work that we all do to end violence against women.

Source: Reuters
The head of Egypt's state council for women has accused resurgent Islamists of seeking to roll back female rights on such issues as divorce and custody and undermine the council as a discredited remnant of the Hosni Mubarak era.

Source: University For Peace and Conflict Monitor
Human Rights scholar Peter Reat Gatkuoth discusses the continued gender inequality in South Sudan, as well as Africa at large, despite the traditional veneration of women as mothers and caregivers, and the existence of legal documents (including national constitutions) which proclaim the equal rights of women. The author argues that a greater focus on gender equality, using existing human rights documents, will support the development and prosperity of the nation.

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