Source: Independent Online
Showing that women in Libya can be much more than just sexy bodyguards or accessories to murder, women are dipping into politics in the hope of drafting a constitution which protects their rights.

Source: Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO)
Foreign Secretary William Hague has announced a UK initiative on preventing sexual violence in conflict later today.

Source: IPS
Gertrude Mkoloi earns a living harvesting maize on a small piece of land in rural Zimbabwe. Or at least she used to.

Source: IPS
Three years ago, the African Union began a continent-wide campaign to reduce the number of women who die when pregnant or giving birth.

Source: The Guardian
Black Diamond has never met Charles Taylor, but she still calls the day the former Liberian president was sentenced for crimes against humanity the happiest of her life. On Wednesday, Taylor is expected to be sentenced for his crimes and the 30-year-old former female rebel leader who fought against him will be watching with interest.

Source: RFI
A couple of Guinean origin is to stand trial for female circumcision in France on Tuesday. Although they were put under control of court in 2005 when their two elder daughters were found to have undergone female genital mutilation, their two younger daughters were later found to have suffered the same fate.

Source: Daily Maverick
There might well be a correlation between the defacement of The Spear in Johannesburg and a burglary in Cape Town. In the latter, five years of photographs have been stolen. But they are no ordinary photographs, for they depict naked black women being in love – with each other.

Source: IPS
The Traditional Courts Bill currently under discussion in South Africa’s parliament and due to be enacted by the end of 2012 could undermine the basic rights of some of the country’s most vulnerable inhabitants: the 12 million women living in remote rural communities across the country.

Source: Voice of America
The most pressing global problems cannot be solved without the participation of women. From the very beginning of his administration, President Barack Obama has put women at the heart of United States foreign policy, says Melanne Verveer, the United States Ambassador-at-large for Global Women’s Issues.  And that is because the most pressing global problems cannot be solved without the participation of women.

Source: Sudan Tribune
Human rights group Amnesty International has called on Sudanese authorities to stop the execution a women condemned to stoning for alleged adultery, and release her ’immediately and unconditionally’.

Source: CNN
It's often proclaimed that "behind a strong man there is a strong woman" -- and in the case of Kenya's prime minister and his wife, the saying seems to be true.

Source: The New times
Achieving gender equality in most of the agricultural work in Africa, Asia and Latin America is still a major challenge, according to a new report by a Dutch based organisation.

Source: The New times
Women and children are the most vulnerable in wars. Considering that mothers are mostly affected by the welfare of their children, war has several negative psychological effects on them due to physical and emotional abuse.

Source: South Sudan News Agency
"The discrimination against women means any distinction, exclusion, restriction or any differential treatment based on sex and whose objectives or effects compromise or destroy the recognition, enjoyment or the exercise by the women regardless of their marital status, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in all sphere of life" (Heyns et al, 62).

Source: The standard
POLICE in Harare have embarked on a blitz arresting women in bars and night spots, accusing them of engaging in prostitution, a move roundly condemned by women and human rights organisations.

Source: Daily Maverick
As the National House of Traditional Leaders lobbies for gay rights to be excised from the Constitution, and the chair of the Constitutional Review Committee sprouts anti-gay statements, lesbians and gays continue to be subject to violent attacks.

Source: Rwanda Focus
Since the last parliamentary elections, Rwanda has been the first country in the world where women hold a majority in one of the chambers of parliament - with 56% in the chamber of deputies. There are also a good number of top female officials in the executive, whether as Ministers or heads of institutions.

Source: Chicago Tribune
Rival armed groups in Congo's eastern provinces are targeting each other's families, killing children, women and the elderly in some of the country's worst violence in years, officials said on Friday.

Source: Independent Online
Women of all races and politics must set aside their differences and fight patriarchy, Angie Motshekga, president of the ANC Women’s League, said in Johannesburg on Sunday.

Source: Office of the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe
Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has said Government should play a major role in addressing gender based violence which limits women's participation in nation development.

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