Source: News of Rwanda
About 50 families in Bushekeri sector in Nyamasheke district have finished a 4 days training on the Thursday the 17th.May.2012 that was prepared and given by the National Women Council (CNF).

Source: Aswat Masriya
This chapter presents statements of presidential candidates about the rights of women.

Source: IPS
The Angolan government is being urged to carry out a thorough and independent investigation into allegations of sexual and physical abuse by its security forces against Congolese migrants.

Source: IPS
CHIPATA, Zambia, May 21, 2012 (IPS) - Climate change may have led to declining water levels in Genda Village in Zambia’s Eastern Province, but Mercy Mwanza and the women here discovered there was a positive side to it and found a new way to earn a living.

Source: PeaceWomen
"War is an international business." These words of our WILPF sister, Annie Matundu-Mbambi (President of WILPF- DRC), resonated throughout the 2012 AWID International Forum on Women’s Rights and Development held in Istanbul, Turkey.

Source: Democratic Alliance
Evidence has emerged that shows that the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has been aware of flaws in legislation regarding sexual offences as early as 2010.

Source: Times Live
Hundreds of Soweto residents gathered outside the unoccupied home of a mentally disabled gang-rape victim yesterday for a prayer service.

Source: Trust Law

Angolan security forces frequently abuse irregular migrants during expulsions from Angola, including sexual violence and other degrading and inhuman treatment, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.

Source: IPPNews
Special Seats lawmaker Dr Mary Mwanjelwa has stressed the importance of a multi-sectoral approach to development planning to ensure real investment in the area of reproductive health and family planning.

Source: Africa Review
Zimbabwean rights organisation have reacted angrily to a suggestion by a senator that women must shun bathing, have bald heads and dress shabbily to curb the spread of HIV.

Source: IRIN
The past decade has seen great advances in child survival, but while toddlers and small children are benefiting, the death rate for new-born babies remains stubbornly high. Now a new report suggests that paying more attention to their mothers’ health, and focusing on certain damaging but treatable diseases, could be one key to tackling neonatal mortality. 

Source: Standard Digital
Kenya is among four countries in Africa targeted for an international campaign to stop rape and gender violence during conflicts.

Source: Times of Zambia
AT least 20 women and children every month are being subjected to all manner of gender based violence (GBV) such as rape, defilement and in worse situations even being killed by well-known perpetrators of GBV as close as fathers, uncles, brothers and neighbours, to mention but a few.

Source: IPS
The statistics have remained staggering: every two minutes, a woman dies of pregnancy and child birth-related complications caused primarily by severe bleeding, infections, high blood pressure and unsafe abortions.

Source: New Security Beat
“What we have discovered is that the very best predictor of how insecure and unstable a nation is not its level of democracy, it’s not its level of wealth, it’s not what ‘Huntington civilization’ it belongs to, but is in fact best predicted by the level of violence against women in the society,” said Valerie Hudson, co-author of Sex and World Peace, at an April 26 book launch at the Wilson Center.

Source: All Africa
The Meru County Women Forum has said it will spearhead the acquisition of national IDs to prisoners in Meru county. According to chairperson Joyce Muriuki, there is need for those privileged with better positions and endowed with resources to support those in prison regardless of their

Source: All Africa
Justice Steven Adah of a Federal High Court in Ikeja has declared as illegal and unconstitutional the provision of the Police Act that prohibits a woman police officer from marrying a man of her choice unless she obtained the permission of the Commissioner of Police in the command where

Source: IFAD
“Rural women play a key role in supporting their households and communities in achieving food and nutrition security, generating income and improving rural livelihoods and overall well- being” (Rural women and the millennium development goals).  However, rural women in developing countries  are relegated to labour intensive activities, are given little  access to resources , are not involved in the decision making process  but their income, the income they generate,  goes into men’s pocket.

Source: Human Rights First
As Egypt pieces itself back together after last year’s revolution, women’s rights are taking a back seat. Some examples:

Source: UN News Centre
The head of the United Nations entity mandated to promote gender equality today welcomed the increase in women’s representation in Algeria’s new parliament as a result of elections held last week, and stressed that it represented a step towards democratic reform and gender equality.

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