Source: Mail & Guardian
How do we stop damaged men from damaging women? By not looking away. By speaking out. And by raising a nation of better men, writes Khaya Dlanga

Source: Leaderhsip
Ms. Lulu Xingwana, South Africa's Minister of Women, Children and People Living with Disabilities, has called for stiffer sentences for sexual crime against women, children and disabled persons.

Source: IPS
MONROVIA, May 9, 2012 (IPS) - The only two female heads of state in Africa, Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Malawian President Joyce Banda, have just committed to using their positions to improve the lives of women across the continent.

Source: AllAfrica
Ghana has taken a major step towards reducing its under-five mortality rate by becoming the first African country to introduce two new vaccines for rotavirus and pneumococcal disease.

Source: AllAfrica
In a move designed to promote safe motherhood and reduce infant mortality, Zanzibar has abolished child delivery charges in public hospitals.

Source: AllAfrica
"Today you're going to cry." The doctor, prodding Grace roughly with his nicotine-stained fingers, is matter-of-fact, there's no malice in his voice. And, afterwards, when she begs him not to let her see the fetus, he's considerate enough to cover it with a paper towel as it lies in a bloody puddle at the end of the examination table, before helping her to her feet. When he returns to the leather armchair in his consulting room, she notices that he doesn't bother to wash his hands before lighting a cigarette, blowing smoke in her direction as she leans over the desk to hand him his money.

Source: WLP
In April 2012, Women's Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace (WLP) published Strategizing for Democracy: Challenges and Opportunities for Women in the MENA Region.

Source: AllAfrica
Ghana has made significant progress in increasing access and utilisation of maternal health services. And although statistics from the Ghana Health Services (GHS) show some reduction in Maternal Mortality ratio of 740 per 100000 lives birth in 1990, to 590 in 1996 with a further reduction of 540 in 200, to 541 in 2005 and finally to 350 in 2010, the reducing trend falls short of the 5.5 percent annual decline required to achieve Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target of 185 per 100,000 by 2015.

Source:  IRIN
Daughters as young as 12 in the villages surrounding Antsohihy, the capital of Sofia Region, in Madagascar's remote, traditional north, often suffer the harmful consequences of falling pregnant and giving birth too young when parents accept zebus (cattle) or cash as a dowry. 

Source: allghananews
The Islamic Peace and Security Council (IPASEC), on Thursday launched a peace project dubbed: “Ensuring Violence Free 2012 Election in Zongo Communities in Greater Accra Region,” in Accra.

Source: Huffington Post
"It is now more dangerous to be a woman than to be a soldier in modern wars." These words were spoken by Major General Patrick Cammaert, the Deputy Force Commander of the United Nations Mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo, in 2008, as he described the the terrifying scorched earth rape strategy being employed in that country (and others like it).

Source: Think Africa Press
Severe overcrowding, poor sanitation, a lack of resources and brutal violence continue to blight prisons across the continent.

Source: All Africa
The proposed law results from consultations between the state and traditional leadership structures. It ignores the voices of millions of rural women disenfranchised by those structures.

Source: All Africa
People in northern Uganda have misinterpreted culture and traditional values, which has led to a high incidence of gender-based violence, especially against women.

Source: All Africa
The only two female heads of state in Africa, Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Malawian President Joyce Banda, have just committed to using their positions to improve the lives of women across the continent.

Source: Biz Community
Two South African women have taken top honours at the prestigious Oliver Empowerment Awards, which recently took place in Johannesburg, by being named the Top Black Business Leader of the Year and Top Black Entrepreneur of the Year respectively. Designed to shine the spotlight on and recognise leadership and innovation in empowerment, the awards are hosted by Topco Media's annual empowerment publication Impumelelo.

Source: IPS
While women constitute the majority of food producers, processors and marketers in Africa, their role in the agricultural sector still remains a minor one because of cultural and social barriers.

The governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Mr Sanusi Lamido Sanusi has advocated a review of all work place conditions that militate against women saying more women are being marginalised and discriminated against by employers of labour in both the government and private sector.

Source: The Official Website  of the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe
Government has been urged to empower rural women to enable them to fully participate in economic production.

Source: GhanaWeb
The ECOWAS Gender Development Centre (EGDC), on Wednesday donated 30,000 US dollars to three rural women groups in Ghana who engage in agricultural production to assist them acquire materials and other logistics to support their farming activities.

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