Source: All Africa
Women married under Chapter 5.11 of the Marriages Act can now retain their maiden names and be allowed to acquire birth certificates for their children without hassles.

Source:All Africa
Vulnerable groups in the country comprising women, children and persons with disabilities, constitute about 70% of the entire population, and being an integral part of the society, their issues and concerns needs to be integrated into national development.

Source: UN News Centre
A senior United Nations official today voiced her concern after a Sudanese court jailed a journalist for covering the case of an alleged rape of an activist by security forces, stressing that it is the perpetrators that must face criminal charges,

Source: BuaNews
Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe says policy, legislation, a change of attitude and behaviour are critical in pursuing the goal of the emancipation and empowerment of women.

Source: The NewTimes
Women have been advised to capitalise on the upcoming East African Community conference on the role of women in socio-economic development in order to share and exploit business opportunities in the region.

Source: SW Radio Africa
The state security sector is still actively being used by Robert Mugabe and ZANU PF to torture and oppress women in order to keep them out of the political process, a new report has revealed. The report also brings out the direct role of the ZANU PF militia in the violence.

Source: Voice of America
The group says women in prominent positions including Ambassador to Australia Jacqueline Zwambila, and Co-Minister of Home Affairs Theresa Makone, have been subjected to sexist verbal attacks

Source: New Times
The second phase of the United Nations course on standardised training in investigation and prevention of sexual and gender-based crimes (GBV) for Police officers from French speaking countries began Tuesday at the Rwanda Peace Academy,

Source: Vanguard
As Nigeria joined the rest of the world to celebrate the 2011 World Breastfeeding Week, the Lagos State Government has concluded plans to establish creches in the various state ministries as part of

Governments, especially in Africa, need to have strong accountability measures in place in order to effectively reach women in rural areas through gender responsive budgeting.

Source: Africa Review
African women want their governments to undertake reforms that will enable them get easier access to land.

Source: AfricaNews
The 2011 progress report of the Millennium Development Goals shows millions have been lifted out of poverty while more go to school. But the UN secretary general Ban Ki-Moon cautions:

Source: NEXT
In this interview, Faousat Dabiri, the Senior Special Assistant to the State Governor on HIV/AIDS and the chief executive officer of the Lagos State AIDS Control Agency (LSACA), discussed 25 years of HIV/AIDS in Lagos and the issues surrounding the disease in the state. Excerpts.

Source: Huffington Post
Four years ago, in a small sewing cooperative in Rwanda's capital city of Kigali, yoga instructor and author Deirdre Summerbell stepped in front of a class of a dozen frail women, each standing on a green or purple mat, and asked them to move their bodies in a series of twists and bends that make up the basic practice of Ashtanga yoga.

Source: CapeArgus
The justice and social development ministries will host awareness and education meetings in Cape Town’s townships and KwaThema near Joburg against “corrective rape” – a term used to describe the rape of lesbians to “cure” them of their sexual orientation.

Source: The Sowetan
"The representation of women in senior positions has steadily increased over the years, with women at present constituting 37 percent".

Source: All Africa
PREGNANCY is supposed to be a life fulfilling event which results in a healthy baby and a proud mother.

Source: IRIN
August is when Nchoo Ngochila would normally be gearing up for the traditional female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) season in her Ilchamus community in Kenya's Rift Valley Province.

Source: Leadership
Domestic violence is a matter that has been on the front burner in public discourse. A thin line separates it from domestic murder which can be pre-meditated or simply accidental.

Source: IRIN
The ambition of 16-year-old Madagascan schoolgirl Nadine* is to open a clothes boutique after completing a college course in textile design, but in the meantime, along with eight of her friends, she has turned to sex work to pay her tuition fees. Charging up to US$7 a time, she works in the poor Antananarivo suburb of 67 Hectares.

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