Source: All Africa
Pretoria — As part of preparations for the upcoming UN climate change summit in Durban, the Department of International Relations is to hold a consultative dialogue on women and climate change this week.

Source: All Africa
Hajia Zainab Mohammed
joined the Ibrahim Idris administration few months to the expiration of his two-term tenure n Kogi State. She is a Senior Special Assistant in charge of Rural Women Development, a position she revels in making women

Source: All Africa
The Constitutional clause that requires that no one more than two thirds of any one gender can be elected to a public office has kicked off a storm in the country.

Source: DailyTimes
Enrolment of the girl child must double for the country to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of achieving gender parity in education by 2015

Source: Times Live
As we celebrate Women's Day tomorrow, we should ask ourselves what more should we do to ensure that the empowerment and emancipation of women becomes a daily reality?

SOURCE: TrustLaw
From horrific childbirth injuries to death in the delivery room, millions of teen brides worldwide face a “silent health emergency” as their young bodies struggle to cope with pregnancy, rights groups say.

Source: TrustLaw
"Nobody wants a woman who passes stools all the time and smells," whispered Farhiya Mohamed Farah, explaining why her husband divorced her when she was pregnant with their second child.

Source: IOL News
Although society’s attitude towards TB is slowly changing, one thing remains a challenge among in communities – the stigma.

Source: Safe World for Women
Many Mauritanian women and their families are now stipulating the one-wife as a prerequisite before marriage, but religious scholars have condemned it as a violation to Islamic teaching.

Source: WordPress
Women's groups in Sierra Leone are robustly pushing the government to establish laws to increase the representation of women in public life. And young women are joining in, too.

Source:  Safe World for Women
The Nigerian Court of Appeal will in October make a ruling that could determine whether a disputed property ownership should be resolved by Sharia Law or according to the new constitution.

Source: The New Times
President Paul Kagame has called upon the East African Community (EAC) member states to invest in programmes and institutions that improve the livelihoods and incomes of women, if they are to succeed in empowering them.

Source: Pambazuka News
When it comes to sexual violence against women in Uganda, Doreen Lwanga says it is about time men start seeing women as human beings and not sexualised objects.

Source: Daily Trust
Speaker of the Kwara State House of Assembly, Barrister Rasaq Atunwa has condemned violence against women just as he challenged women activists to rise up and protect the right of the female folk in the country.

Source: Trustlaw
"It's done in the dark," said Fatuma Ahmed, squatting inside her makeshift stick shelter.

Source: IRIN
Even as the UN announced that famine had spread to more areas in south-central Somalia, reports from the capital, Mogadishu, indicate that the suffering of the drought-displaced, mostly women and children, was increasing, with reports that government forces and Al-Shabab militia were hampering aid distribution in areas under their control.

Source: Voice of America
Liberian voters made history five years ago by electing Africa's first female president. But as Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf runs for re-election, voters will find few female candidates on  ballots for other posts.

Source: Trust Law
Fatou Diakhate seemed so young when she was given away in marriage that her husband, Mori Diarra, took pity on the 13-year-old.

Source: All Africa
Tunis — A women's group begins campaigning near La Marsa beach in Tunis to convince more women to come up and register in the electoral lists, in time for the deadline now pushed back to Aug. 14. Most of the women watching the proceedings are

Source: Alert Net
Bribes, poorly trained medical staff and the lack of medical care for pregnant HIV-positive mothers are among the reasons for high rates of infant and maternal mortality in Uganda. NGOs want to see more government action.


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