Source: All Africa
The Federal Government will soon introduce labour-saving technologies for female farmers in the country to boost agricultural production.

Source: All Africa
Coast women have been urged to vie for leadership in next year's general election. Former acting Kenya Airports Authority MD and Giriama elder Naomi Cidi Kumbatha said time has come for women to take up the leadership positions as stipulated in the

Source: All Africa
While remarkable progress has been registered, reports of cases of abuse, mainly from rural communities, still appear in the media more often than not.


Source: Angola Press
The second deputy speaker of the National Assembly (Angolan Parliament), Joana Lina, said Friday in Luanda that the rising of Angolan women in the country’s decision-making organs started in the early days of the national liberation struggle with their contribution to independence.

Source: The Southern Times
In many cultures, premarital sex has for long been a taboo, but things are changing. More and more, young people are engaging in sex while still in school or soon after completing their basic studies. 

Source: All Africa
For a woman who lives in the urban centre, has education, a job and a gainfully employed spouse- living on two incomes guarantees a sense of safety. For the rural woman, who performs unpaid household chores, has no education or any steady income or nutritious meal, and a spousal relation with a man of no means- life is a risk each and every hour.

Source: All Africa
Federal Government has appealed to states to commit their resources to gender education issues to fast track Nigeria meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015.

Source: All Africa
The women's lobby in Luangwa District has expressed happiness at the higher participation of women in this year's elections in Feira Constituency.Luangwa District women's lobby coordinator, Naomi Namula her organisation was impressed become more women had stepped forward to contest the elections.

Source: The New Age
UmlaziI township, south of Durban, is a hot spot for rape and domestic violence against women and children.

Source: The Post Online
WOMEN and Law in Southern Africa (WLSA) acting national coordinator Hope Kumalo says the Anti-Gender Based Violence Act has the potential to address gender violence in communities.

Source: All Africa
A group of teachers and students from Alliance Girls High School and Dartmouth University in the United States have launched an anti-Female Genital Mutilation campaign in Marakwet district.

Source: All Africa
For a woman who lives in the urban centre, has education, a job and a gainfully employed spouse- living on two incomes guarantees a sense of safety. For the rural woman, who performs unpaid household chores, has no education or any steady

Source: BBC News
Kenya's coalition government wants to drop the new constitutional requirement that women should make up a third of MPs in parliament.

Source: Say NO UNITE To End Violenec Against Women
A Europe-wide UN competition calling for advertisements on ending violence against women has selected its 30 finalists from 15 countries. Organized by the United Nations Regional Informational Centre (UNRIC) for Western Europe and UN Women, the competition Create4theUN received more than 2,700 entries from 40 countries.

Source: DailyTrust
As part of its Corporate and Social Responsibility, Unilever said it has set aside N40 million to empower and create favourable living environment for women in the society.

Source: BuaNews
Public Protector Advocate Thuli Madonsela has called on women to promote good governance to help pave the way for the advancement of other women.

Source: Huffington Post
As more women in developing nations are empowered to promote their own advancement and security, NGOs can't forget those who have the power to instantly change the treatment of women -- men.

Source: The Herald
The media have written endless stories on the monster. Police have received many reports. The courts have also been laden with many cases. Many women have lost their lives leaving behind children some as young as two months. Many cases have gone unreported with some being swept under the carpet, the victims suffering in silence.

Source: Sowetan
PUBLIC Protector Thuli Madonsela has called on women in public life to use their positions to advance the course of justice, freedom and constitutionalism in honour of struggle heroines such as the late Albertina Sisulu.

Source: ABC Online
The most devastating drought for decades is currently facing the Horn of Africa. Somalia has been the worst hit and, as is so often the case, famine has led to armed conflict and instability in this fragile region.

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