Source: The NewAge
The ANC women’s league (ANCWL) said it would focus on improving access to opportunities for all women and not just the elite and educated as part of its women’s month activities.

Source: Women's eNews
A woman's right to safe abortion is increasingly recognized as both a human right and a means to reduce maternal mortality. U.N. agencies--including UN Women in its new strategic plan--are sidestepping this major fight.

Source: BuaNews
Economic empowerment for South African women will be the focal point of this year's annual Women's Month celebrations.

Source:  Global Press Institute
In preparation for Cameroon’s October presidential elections, the lone woman candidate is campaigning throughout the country and encouraging women to vote.

Source: Make Every Woman Count (MEWC)
Today, 31 July 2011, marks the 49th  celebration of African Women’s Day.  Although there has been progress in different African countries, some still lag behind and inequalities still remain.

Source: The Huffington Post
A few days ago, I took part in the World YWCA's fourth International Women's Summit in Zurich, Switzerland, where people from more than 100 countries gathered to discuss issues facing girls and women.

Source: UN News
The United Nations committee tasked with ensuring compliance with the global treaty to end discrimination against women today noted that there has been progress towards improving the lot of women in some countries, but discriminatory practices continued to limit their human rights.

Source: All Africa
In Nigeria, it is a topic many would rather not talk about but its effects are inherently ravaging not only the female folk and family ties but societal values.

Source: AllAfrica
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is praising innovators from around the globe for their work to protect the health and lives of mothers and children at birth, particularly in rural areas of the developing world.

Source: AfricaNews
Arab women have shown that women can play important roles in revolutionary events. In Egypt and Tunisia they participated in the popular uprisings for democracy. "The women contributed equally to the revolution, like the men," affirms Emna Ben Jemaa, a Tunisian lecturer and journalist. "We took part in protests in the street, without any discrimination against us."

Source: CMAJ
Rwanda appears to be stemming the tide of the HIV/AIDS epidemic as health experts report that the HIV prevalence rate in this small East African nation has fallen below 3% from a staggering 13% in the 1990s.

Source: Ms. Magazine
Chances are, you'll hear or read soon that the world's population is about to hit 7 billion. Get ready for cool graphics demonstrating its remarkable escalation over the past century, as modern medicine and agricultural advances helped people live longer and societies flourish, while fertility rates remained higher than "replacement level" in much of the world.

Source: UN Women
UN Women is supporting a project in Rwanda to provide legal and medical services to widows who survived the 1994 genocide. The project specifically focuses on providing services to widows with HIV/AIDS,

Source:All Africa
Women living with HIV and AIDS from 13 southern African countries attending a capacity building session on palliative care and HIV resolved to go back to their countries and demand access to appropriate care, including the management of pain.

Source: Voice of America
International humanitarian organization ActionAid says women are one of the worst affected groups during this and other crises across East Africa.

Source: All Africa
After decades of marginalisation, South Sudanese women may soon be able to lead a normal life now that their country has gained independence and ended years of conflict with North Sudan.

Source: All Africa
Can vaccinating pregnant women against the flu protect their newborn babies from getting the influenza virus? Well, that's exactly what a clinical study in three countries, including South Africa, wants to find out.

Source: Times Live
"It takes courage to stand up and stand out," said Irene Pieters on Monday night at the Grace Hotel in Rosebank, Johannesburg, as she accepted accolades along with her partner Dee Boehner from emcee Alan Ford at the Glamour Women of the Year awards.

Source: Agencia AngolaPress
The deputy chairperson of the Pan-African Women  Organisation for Southern Africa,  Carolina Cerqueira, Thursday in Sumbe, Kwanza Sul province, urged women to invest in their education so they become fit to contribute to the country’s reconstruction and development.

Source: Global Press Institute
Ruth Zozi, 47, dreams of becoming a member of Parliament, MP, and representing her constituency. But she says there are three factors that will never allow her dream to come true: She is illiterate. She is poor. She is a woman.

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