Source: UN Women
UN Women is supporting a project in Rwanda to provide legal and medical services to widows who survived the 1994 genocide. The project specifically focuses on providing services to widows with HIV/AIDS, thousands of who were

Source: WFP
Women as head of the household : During a monitoring visit, the team met Khadijatou, one of the refugee living in the camp for 36 years. She describes how was her life and how it get improved thanks to humanitarian assistance

Source: All Africa
The principle of gender equality has found more space in several societies over the last two decades and, has begun to underpin all aspects of national development.

Source: All Africa
Technology for Women in Business (TWIB), an initiative of the Department of Trade and Industry (the DTI), is a national programme that facilitates access to science and technology for business women in order to accelerate business growth

Source: UN News Centre
27 July 2011 – Allegations of sexual abuse by soldiers serving in the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have declined by 75 per cent since 2008, the commander of the force said today, noting that

Source: IPS
On the road between the Kenyan and Somali border lie the dead bodies of children who have succumbed to the famine and the hardships of making the journey from their drought-stricken villages to Kenya.

Source: IRIN
After several appeals by the UN and other aid agencies, the international community is rallying to feed an estimated 11.6 million people facing starvation in the Horn of Africa.

Source: Reuters
Liberia's Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf pledged on Tuesday to step up the fight against unemployment in her West African nation if re-elected later this year, saying in an interview she was confident of securing a second term.

Source: IRIN
After walking for days to escape drought and insecurity, often barefoot and with almost no food or water, Somali refugees who arrive at Dadaab camps in northern Kenya are met with delays and red tape.

Source: HRW
Authorities in Côte d'Ivoire and Nigeria should investigate and close down networks that traffic Nigerian women and girls to Côte d'Ivoire for forced prostitution, Human Rights Watch said today.

Source: Mail&Guardian
Angolan security forces are waging a campaign of terror -- including sexual abuse -- on Congolese migrants who cross the border illegally looking for work, aid agencies have claimed.

Source: Daily Nation
In Kenya, there is an estimated 7,000 new obstetric fistula cases each year - thousands of these are yet to get treatment.

Source: IPS
Rwanda is the first country in the world where women outnumber men in parliament, with women occupying 45 out of 80 seats. However, despite this, experts say that the country still needs a gender equality perspective on how national resources and programmes are implemented.

Source: United Nations  Human Rights (UNHR)
The tradition of inheritance from father to son in many societies coupled with a reliance on boys to provide economic support, to ensure security in old age and to perform death rites are part of a set of social norms that place greater value on sons than daughters.

Source: All Africa
15 women who have been receiving training on handicraft, including weaving in the Halib-Mentel Nuns Association in Elaberad sub-zone for one year graduated.

Source: All Africa
Uíge — The deputy governor of Uije province for technical and infrastructure affairs, Afonso Luvilukua, on Monday here said that the Angolan women have achieved satisfactory advancement in her emancipation, being notorious her presence in the decision-making organs, Angop has learnt.

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