Source: Daily Trust

They said on Wednesday at a briefing in Abuja, following the suspension of their protest at the National Assembly after the promise by principal officers to recommit the bills on Tuesday.

Source: Shabelle

In Somalia, entrepreneurship is a driving force of the economy. An estimated 76%of all jobs come from entrepreneurial activities – and except for large businesses, women play a leading role in this area.

In Somaliland, women own more than half of all household enterprises. In Mogadishu and Bossaso, they own approximately 45% of established formal businesses.

Source: TRTWorld

Morocco has launched an ambitious action plan with emphasis on gender equality, a move that it hopes will provide a framework for a meeting point of policies pertaining to women, peace and security.  

Attention: mentions d’agressions sexuelles et viols

Source: Africa News

A Goma, à l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), les témoignages de femmes victimes de violences sexuelles se multiplient depuis le début de l’année.

Source: Le 360 Afrique

En Côte d’Ivoire, l’alphabétisation de la population féminine gagne du terrain sur les marchés. Une classe de fortune, par exemple, est située dans celui de Yopougon Toit Rouge, à Abidjan. Car ici, 90% des femmes sont analphabètes d’après les responsables.

Source : UN news

The Commission’s new report, based on interviews conducted with victims and witnesses over several years, describes a “hellish existence for women and girls”, with widespread rape being perpetrated by all armed groups across the country.

SOURCE: Allafrica News

The conflict in South Sudan has been characterized by sexual and gender-based violence. Parties to the ongoing conflict continue to use sexual violence as a weapon of terror and political repression and as a tactic to advance their strategic objectives, including to displace the civilian population in order to control contested territory.

SOURCE: Capital FM

NAIROBI Kenya, MAR 20- Businesswoman Grita Muthoni has declared intesret in the presidency in the August elections, becoming the female aspirant to formally declare her interest in the male-dominated race.

Source: Agence Mauritanienne d'Information

La ministre de l’Environnement et du Développement durable, Mme Mariem Bekaye, a participé, jeudi, à une concertation de haut niveau, portant sur le thème “les femmes dans la lutte contre le changement climatique dans l’espace francophone.”

Source: Financial Afrik

La banque Panafricaine Ecobank dans le cadre de ses actions en faveur de l’autonomisation des femmes à travers le programme “ELLEVER”, signe un partenariat avec la Fondation Sephis qui oeuvre dans la promotion du leadership et de l’entrepreneuriat féminin.

Source: Daily Trust

A non-governmental organization, Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD), has expressed concern over statistics in Kano which indicate that gender-based violence is high in the state.

Source: Amnesty International

A prominent human rights activist in Morocco has been targeted with NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware in recent months, Amnesty International can reveal.

Analysis by Amnesty International’s Security Lab found that two phones belonging to Sahraoui human rights defender Aminatou Haidar were targeted and infected as recently as November 2021, just months after the Pegasus Project revelations shocked the world.


The 66th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) was just launched. Due to the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the main annual global forum on gender equality is once again taking place in a hybrid format – both at the UN’s New York headquarters, where government delegations will be meeting, and online, where most civil society activity will take place.

SOURCE: Tunis Afrique Presse


 "Empowering today's women and girls for a sustainable future" is the theme of an international symposium organised Wednesday in Tunis by the Ministry of Family, Women, Children and the Elderly, in preparation for the eighth session of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development.

Source: The Cable

One of the five ‘gender bills’ that was rejected by the senate and house of representatives (HoR) during the March 1 voting on the 68 constitution amendment bills is the Reserved Seat Bill. This bill has sparked many arguments with the majority agreeing that because women are historically underrepresented in Nigeria’s legislature, as with other political spheres, there is a need for some form of strategy to turn this tide.

Source: Financial Afrik

Selon le rapport “Women, Business and the Law 2022”, le Bénin a réalisé une bonne progression dans l’amélioration du cadre légal et réglementaire relatif à l’employabilité des femmes.

Source: Agence Mauritanienne d'Information

La commune de Dar Naim a organisé, dimanche soir, une soirée culturelle autour de la participation de la femme au développement socio-économique.

Source: UN News 

To forge a sustainable future for us all, "women and girls must be front and centre, leading the way". Secretary-General António Guterres told the opening session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) on Monday.

SOURCE: Capital FM


John Mwaura, the Chief Executive Officer at Finsco Africa, while admitting that the number of women who buy land and houses risen, he identified a gap in the ratio of buyers between men and women.

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