SOURCE: Observer

Women and girls, especially those in rural communities, continue to face the brunt of climate change that worsens pre-existing inequalities, and jeopardizes their food security and feeds instability and migration, the United Nations World Food Program has warned on International Women’s Day.

Source: Senalioune

Des femmes leaders ont apprécié à l’unanimité les percées réalisées par les femmes mauritaniennes dans les centres de décision et leur entrée renforcée dans le gouvernement et le parlement, où elles représentent près de 20%, selon des chiffres officiels révélés à l’occasion de la célébration le 8 mars dernier de la Journée Internationale des Femmes.

Source: Africa News

Elle est le visage de l’OMS en Afrique. Depuis le siège régional de l’organisation à Brazzaville au Congo, le docteur Matshidiso Moeti s’est concentré ces 2 dernières années sur l’impact de la pandémie, en particulier sur les femmes. Et le bilan est alarmant: selon plusieurs études, le COVID-19 a détérioré les conditions de vie des femmes à travers le monde.



President Hage Geingob has implored Namibian men to stop abusing women and girls.

SOURCE: New Zimbabwe


THE Citizens Coalition For Change (CCC) says violence is prohibiting women from actively participating in politics.

Source: The Conversation

South Africa's president, Cyril Ramaphosa, recently acknowledged that "South Africa needs a new consensus to deal with poverty, unemployment, and inequality".

Despite the government's efforts to address poverty through the provision of state grants, it's still on the rise. In 2020, it was reported that half of the population was experiencing hardships that have pulled individuals and households into poverty.

SOURCE: New Times


Rwanda has finally lifted the Covid-19 curfew exactly a year after the country rolled out an aggressive vaccination effort against the virus and nearly two years after limitations of movement were first introduced.

SOURCE: Brookings


In January 2022, the Brookings Africa Growth Initiative (AGI) released its annual Foresight Africa report, which explores top priorities for the region in the coming year. This report examines some of the most pertinent issues facing the continent in 2022, including its economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, public health, the empowerment of African women and girls, climate change, technological innovation, and the region’s external relations.

Source: VivAfrik

Bonne nouvelle pour les défenseurs de l’environnement notamment au Sénégal. Pour une justice climatique inclusive, l’Association Pour le Développement Intégré de Kolda (APDIK) a organisé un atelier pour former les jeunes et les femmes sur les enjeux de la reforestation.

Source: Le 360 Afrique

En Afrique, comme partout ailleurs, les femmes au foyer sont victimes de plusieurs violences. La journée internationale de la femme est une occasion de sensibiliser les communautés sur les dangers auxquels ces femmes s’exposent lorsqu’elles sont violentées.

Source: Spotlight Initiative

Amadou Moumouni Soumaila, 37, has been a gender equality and human rights activist for two decades. He is a member of the civil society organization (CSO) Comité Nigerien sur les pratiques Traditionnelles ayant effet sur la santé des Femmes et des Enfants, which focuses on traditional practices affecting women's and girls’ health, and has been on the board of the Spotlight Initiative Civil Society Reference Group (CSRG) of Niger since 2019.

SOURCE: Premium Times


Scores of Nigerian women protested Wednesday at the National Assembly against the rejection of several bills seeking gender equality in the country.

SOURCE: Egypt Online

Egypt has scored 50.6 points in the World Bank's Women, Business and the Law 2022 report, up from the 45 points it got in the 2021 report, International Cooperation Minister Rania Al-Mashat said on Tuesday1/3/2022.

Source: UN News

Norah Magero, a Mechanical Engineer and Renewable Energy Expert from Kenya, is helping communities adapt to the changing climate, in the face of gender discrimination.

Source: VOA

Cameroon's women and children have suffered disproportionately in the country's five-year separatist conflict. But a report by the International Crisis Group says the role of women has expanded from just being victims to being rebels and peacemakers.


On 3 December every year, the world commemorates International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This year, we spoke with Uzoamaka Anita Asiegbu, Programme and Inclusion Analyst for UN Women, to better understand her role in the Nigeria Country Office.



A farming equipment and seed distribution organized by the Ministry of Women and CARE International with the support of UN Women in Kismayo, Jubaland celebrated women transforming their lives through the LEAP project, funded by the Government of Japan. Women beneficiaries shared the experiences of how their lives have changed in the drought and conflict-affected state.

Source: Sidwaya

Le recyclage des résidus après récolte est une préoccupation de L’Association des Femmes pour le Développement Durable de l’Agriculture (AFeDA).

Source: Agence Mauritanienne d'Information

L’Association “Eyadi Mouhsinines” (“Mains des bienfaisants”) a organisé, jeudi, une journée de la santé sous le thème “Le cri d’une mère et le sauvetage d’un bébé.” 


Mongu — "Growing up in a remote village, I witnessed my grandmother, a traditional birth attendant, assisting women and girls to deliver babies. She would perform these deliveries at home, using local herbs to try and address complications," said Michelle Simukayi, a student at Lewanika College of Nursing and Midwifery in Western Province.

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