Source: Agence Mauritanienne d'Information

Le ministère de la Transition Numérique, de l’Innovation et de la Modernisation de l’Administration a célébré, jeudi (ndlr: 28 Avril 2022), en partenariat avec l’Union Internationale des Télécommunications (UIT), la Journée Internationale des Filles dans les TIC, qui coïncide avec le 28 avril de chaque année.

Source : All Africa

A judge in the Eastern Cape High Court judge, Thandi Norman has raised the bar with a "therapy order" for a 10-year-old who was raped by her 46-year-old uncle. The child will receive counselling every month for two years.

SOURCE: This Day


Domestic Violence: Nigerian Women at Risk

The recent death of one of Nigeria’s leading gospel music artistes, Osinachi Nwachukwu, who was allegedly battered to death by her husband, has elicited nationwide outcry.

SOURCE: Ghanaian Times

The President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has advised female entrepreneurs to take advantage of the numerous opportunities created by the government, to better their lives and improve their businesses.

Source: BBC News

Le féminisme veut dire renverser le patriarcat, qui renvoie à l’idée selon laquelle le pouvoir de déterminer comment marche la société est détenu par les hommes.

Source: Gabon Review

Conformément à son engagement de promouvoir et de favoriser la mise en oeuvre efficace de politiques sensibles à l’égalité de genre dans le monde, ONU Femmes va accompagner le Gabon à travers le ministère de la Justice, dans le cadre de sa politique publique en faveur de l’égalité hommes-femmes.

Comment aborder les violences faites aux femmes par le biais de l’art? Ange Kayifa, 25 ans, livre des œuvres coup de poing, dans des musées, des galeries ou sur les réseaux sociaux. L’artiste camerounaise fait partie des lauréats du programme “Trames” qui permet à des artistes francophones de bénéficier d’une résidence à la Cité internationale des arts à Paris.

Source: Le 360 Afrique

En Mauritanie, le taux de déperdition scolaire entre le primaire et le secondaire est estimé à 45%. Chez les filles, ce phénomène est dû en partie aux menstruations. L’ONG Initiative Développement et l’UNICEF veulent y remédier par la fabrication et la distribution de kits d’hygiène.

SOURCE: Africa Renewal

One of the volunteers, Rose Mukhaye, reminded Delourice to regularly attend the antenatal clinics at the local Esiriambatsi Health Centre as soon as she found out she was pregnant. 

SOURCE: Premium Times

Technology can be used as a tool to fight violence against women during elections, a Non-governmental Organisation, Stand To End Rape Initiative, has noted.


Adah Johnson,* 56, from Flumpa, Nimba County in north-eastern Liberia is a beneficiary of the continued awareness sessions on the rights of women to land and participation in land governance decision-making processes conducted by a local non-governmental organization, Rights and Rice Foundation (RRF), with support from UN Women Liberia.


By 2021, South Africa’s unemployment rate was at 44%. Around 55.5% of South Africans were living in poverty. In 2021, 10 million people, including 3 million children, lived in a household affected by hunger. Poverty is a key driver of poor mental health. People who also experience insecure income, housing and food supply are particularly vulnerable.

Source: The McGill International Review

“Break the girls, because if you break the girls, you break the men.” This was the message from Sudanese dictator Omar al-Bashir’s government to its officers on the ground at the outset of the country’s 2018 protests against the al-Bashir regime. While a dictatorship has governed Sudan for the last thirty years, 2019 marked the end of al-Bashir’s brutal regime, along with the slow change towards improving the socially and politically sanctioned abuse of women’s rights. However, this landmark feat came to a crashing halt in late 2021 when a military coup took power away from the transitional council put in place to govern the country towards a civilian-led democratic government. Both the 2019 and 2021 revolutions were unprecedented in the foundational role Sudanese women played as drivers of the revolution, protesting against decades of corruption, socioeconomic grievances, and gendered violence in the hopes of changing the status quo.

Source: DW

Interview avec Diene Keïta, directrice exécutive adjointe de l’agence des Nations Unies pour la santé sexuelle et reproductive, sur les grossesses non-intentionnelles.

Source: VivAfrik

La Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD), en collaboration avec les Fonds d’investissement climatiques et le Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Protection de la Nature et du Développement Durable du Cameroun a organisé, les 4 et 5 avril 2022, à Ebolowa (sud), un atelier de validation du plan d’action “genre” du plan d’investissement forestier du pays.

Source: Thaqaf

Face à la Directrice régionale du Fonds des Nations Unies pour la Population en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre (UNFPA WCARO), Mme Argentina Matavel qu’elle a reçue dans son bureau vendredi 15 avril 2022, Mme Savia Mint N’Tahah qui vient de prendre fonction comme Ministre de l’Action Sociale, de l’Enfance et de la Famille, a déroulé les ambitieux programmes de son département au profit de la femme, de la jeune fille et de l’enfant.

Source : Africa News

On an island on Lake Kivu in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo row after row of coffee bushes are bringing forth a rich harvest of berries.And the main beneficiaries will be women, the outcome of an equity project in a sector where women are notoriously sidelined and under-paid.

Source : UN Women

Violence against women in elections (VAWiE) is one of the major hindrances to their engagement with electoral processes and taking on leadership roles; this includes physical, verbal and psychological violence in the private and public space, and more recently cyber-based abuse. 


A gender-focused media group – St. Ives Communications, founder of Women Radio, has said the endemic corrupt practices in Nigeria negatively affect women and girls.

The group listed some of the major areas where Nigerian women are more impacted by the consequences of corruption to include employment scandals, health care corruption, justice system, among others.

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