Source: Togo First

Au Togo, il a été lancé jeudi 2 juin, la première édition du programme “Académie pour les Femmes Entrepreneures” (African Women Entrepreneurship Academy), sous la houlette du ministère en charge de l’action sociale et de la promotion de la femme. Il s’agira de former et de renforcer les capacités de 25 femmes entrepreneures togolaises en début de carrière, afin d’améliorer leur performance entrepreneuriale, avec un certain accent sur l’entrepreneuriat social.


More than 286,000 people have been driven from their homes in the region after crops failed and animals died due to the drought and over 1100 schools are either fully or partially closed, leaving young girls especially vulnerable to sexual and physical violence and coercion, child labour and early marriage.


SELOKOLELA, Botswana/UNITED NATIONS, New York – “Menstruation is still considered a secret that is hardly discussed,” Ogaufi Moisakamo, in Botswana, told UNFPA. “When I got my first period, I was also ashamed of informing my mother. And when I finally told her, she only warned me against playing with boys as it would ‘get me pregnant’.”

Source: FranceInfo: Afrique

La militante soudanaise des droits des femmes Amira Osmane Hamed a reçu le 27 mai 2022 le Prix pour les défenseurs des droits humains en danger décerné par l'ONG internationale Front Line Defenders.

Source: AfricaNews

Les assemblées annuelles 2022 de la Banque africaine de développement viennent de se tenir au Centre de conférences international d'Accra, la capitale du Ghana. Elles avaient pour thème, "favoriser de la résilience climatique et d'une transition énergétique juste pour l'Afrique". Les délégués y ont discuté de la manière dont le continent peut se développer dans ce contexte malgré les effets de la pandémie et de l'inflation.

Source: Agence Ivoirienne de Presse

Le bureau de terrain commun des Nations Unies à Bouaké a abrité, vendredi 27 et samedi 28 mai 2022, un atelier technique sur le projet TAKEDA “2 heures pour la vie: Garantir l’accès à des services de santé maternelle”.

Source: Agence Mauritanienne d'Information

Les travaux d’un atelier de lancement du projet de promotion de chaînes de valeurs agricoles sensibles au genre en appui au programme d’appui à la transformation de l’agriculture en Mauritanie, organisé par le ministère de l’agriculture, ont débuté lundi à Nouakchott.

SOURCE: Concord

The United Nations children’s Fund (UNICEF) has warned that menstrual health and hygiene management is still out of reach, particularly among the poorest, ethnic groups, refugees, and people with disabilities in sub-Saharan Africa.



Cameroon observed World Menstrual Hygiene Day Saturday with donors and health workers distributing reusable sanitary pads to several hundred poor girls displaced by terrorism and the country’s separatist crisis. Some of the girls said they were seeing sanitary pads for the first time. Also, sensitization teams are working to convince communities to stop stigmatizing girls during menstruation.

Source: AllAfrica

Menstruation is a topic handled with secrecy in many African cultures, perhaps to preserve the dignity of women and girls going through it. These cultural practices meant to protect sometimes end up doing the exact opposite. We are glad that this year's menstrual hygiene day is tagged as "making menstruation a normal fact of life by 2030 ."


The sports sector has for years been widely dominated by men despite current efforts being put in empowering women to play an equal part in all aspects of the sector.  


It took a little over two years after she sat for the West African Senior School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE) in 2018 for the life of 22-year-old Sarah Bangura to change - even forcing her to seek comfort at the country's psychiatric hospital - due to the effects of obstetric fistula, a condition in which a hole develops in the birth canal caused by prolonged, obstructed labour.

Source: Front Page Africa

The paramount chief of Todee District, Monsterrado County has revealed that girls under the ages of 11 to 14 years are under a barrage of societal pressures to undergo Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), and it’s having a devastating impact on their education.

Source: BusinessDay

At least 300,000 women and children are lost annually in Africa to smoke from firewood, according to the African Development Bank (AfDB).

Source: Le Sahel

Les rideaux sont tombés le 21 mai à Kisumu au Kenya sur la 9ème édition du Sommet Africités, l’évènement phare de l’Organisation Cités et Gouvernements Locaux Unis (CGLU) Afrique qui se tient tous les trois ans dans l’une des cinq régions du continent.

Source: AfriqueSur7

Malgré les efforts du gouvernement, les violences basées sur le genre (VBG) demeurent préoccupantes. A titre d’exemple, du 1er novembre 2021 jusqu’au 30 mars 2022, le CNDH a documenté 79 cas de VBG dont 25 cas de viol, 22 cas de violences physiques, 15 cas de violences psychologiques, 14 cas de violences conjugales et 3 cas de mariage forcés.

SOURCE: Allafrica

Did you know ... in the whole of West Africa there have only been three women heads of state since 1957 (Guinea-Bissau and Liberia), there are only two women speakers currently in the legislature (Togo and Benin) and there are only two countries with over 30% women's representation in legislative chambers (Cabo Verde and Senegal)

SOURCE: Spotlight Initiative

After four months of hard work, Sally Njie and Praise Gimba are proud to release their new song. ‘Cut No More’ delivers a catchy melody but it also shares an important message: warning about the risks of female genital mutilation (FGM). Even more impressive? It does this in three different languages – Wolof, Mandinka and English.

Source: VOA

Most sanitary pads available for African women and girls are relatively expensive and classified as single-use plastics, which means some take hundreds of years to decompose. To help tackle this environmental problem, a woman-led Kenyan enterprise has created a low cost, biodegradable pad made from agricultural waste.

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