SOURCE: New Frame

Adim candle flame lighting the room can be seen from outside through the open door at a backyard maternity ward in Mabvuku, a populous and high-density suburb in the east of Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe. 

SOURCE: GroundUp


President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed laws extending protection against harm online and in social media.

Source: Le 360 Afrique

Une campagne d’information et de sensibilisation incitant les jeunes filles à s’intéresser aux matières scientifiques dans les établissements scolaires de Libreville, vient de révéler au grand jour deux visages encore méconnus du grand public, deux lycéennes se sont révélées être des ambassadrices pour les femmes dans le domaine des sciences. 

Source: Africanews

Fondée pour les pays de la Communauté Economique Des Etats d’Afrique de l’Ouest et plus tard élargie aux pays non membres tels que la Mauritanie, le Tchad et le Cameroun, la phase une du projet SWEDD (ndlr: “Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend” - “Projet d’Autonomisation des Femmes et Dividende Démographique au Sahel”) pour l’autonomisation de la jeune fille et des femmes a été un succès; comme sont venus le témoigner au Cameroun le Directeur de l’Organisation Ouest Africaine pour la Santé (OOAS) et la Directrice Régionale du Fond des Nations Unies pour la Population (UNFPA). 

Source: The Vanguard 

The Nigerian Federal Government, on Monday, flagged off training of over 150 women farmers in South East geopolitical zone on tackling climate change to mitigate impact on food production.

SOURCE: New Zimbabwe

THE Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has expressed concerns over the high number of rape cases reported this month so far amid indications most such crimes are being perpetrated by guardians in charge of minors.



In the dusty plains outside Ouallam, a town some 100 kilometres north of Niger’s capital Niamey, verdant rows of vegetables sprout from the soil in neat plots. Adding further contrast to the parched surroundings, women in bright shawls walk among the rows, checking irrigation pipes and adding a splash of water to any thirsty-looking specimens.

Source: Tanzania Daily News

POLICE gender desk has called on the government to make amendments of the Marriage Act of 1971 so that it can be friendly to both sexes.

Tanzania's Marriage Act of 1971 sets the minimum marriage age for girls at 15 years with parental consent and 18 for boys. It permits the marriage of 14-year-old children when a court is satisfied that special, although unspecified, circumstances exist.

Source: FrontPageAfrica

The Election Coordinating Committee with support from the embassy of Ireland in Monrovia on Thursday ended a one-day 'ECC Advocacy Engagement with Political Parties' with respect to women's political participation and the amendment of section 4.5 of the new election law.

CW: mention de viol, infanticide, violence physique, esclavage

Source: L'Obs avec AFP

Alexandra (Afrique du Sud) - La règle n’a pas changé depuis l’apartheid: l’endroit est interdit aux hommes. Dans ce foyer délabré d’Alexandra, un des townships les plus miséreux d’Afrique du Sud, des milliers de femmes Noires vivent entassées dans la crasse et la peur du crime. 

Source: La Calame

Mme Hawa Falili Fall, présidente de l’Association Développement Social Intégré (ADSI) a procédé, jeudi 17 février, à l'hôtel de ville de Sebkha, au lancement d’un colloque communal sur le thème ‘les violences faites aux filles et femmes.” 

Source: Capital News

With a few months to Kenya's general election, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) are calling on authorities to be deliberate about taming cases of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV).

SOURCE: Premium Times

The local council elections held on Saturday in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja, have again brought to fore the low representation of women in Nigeria’s politics and governance.

SOURCE: Premium Times

It has often bothered me that 26 years after we arrived in Beijing and committed to the 12 critical areas of concern for the advancement of women worldwide, we are still talking about those things that undo us as humanity and disempower us as a nation. I was a proud delegate to the Beijing 1995 women’s conference and even then, conversations about giving women a fair and equitable chance to contribute to national development were met with all manners of obstacles. But as Maya Angelou famously declared, “Still we arise.”

Source: BBC News

Enatha Cyuzuzo est l'une des rares femmes ingénieures de chantier dans le secteur florissant de la construction au Rwanda.
À seulement 26 ans, vous la trouverez sur les chantiers en train de superviser les hommes et les femmes qu'elle emploie, certains étant bien plus âgés qu'elle.
Ingénieure civile, elle s'est lancée dans la construction en 2019 après avoir obtenu son diplôme, en créant une entreprise qui soumissionne pour des projets de logement dans l'est du Rwanda.

A total of 55 candidates contested to be the chairpersons of the six area councils. Only three of the candidates (9 per cent) are women.

Source: Nile Post News 

Women with disabilities have asked government to avail them with employment opportunities such that they can improve their lives.

SOURCE: Capital FM

A recent local news item on combating gender-based violence brought to light the deep-seated reasons that force women to stay in abusive relationships. The survivor of the violence narrated how her partner made her stay in the violent relationship by psychologically abusing her and making her believe that she had no option but to stay with him.

Source: SA News

Government is intensifying the fight against Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) this year, through implementation of the National Strategic Plan (NSP) on GBV and other measures to promote the empowerment of women, says President Cyril Ramaphosa.

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