Source: The Herald

When a woman rises to the top rung of the traditionally all-male corporate ladder in Africa, it’s front-page news because women’s progress in business leadership on the continent continues to be achingly slow.

Source: AllAfrica

AN officer from the region's education department says authorities here have dissolved at least 80 premature and arranged marriages that could have affected girls already selected to join secondary schools next month.

SOURCE: Thomson Reuters Foundation

Death rates for patients undergoing surgery in Africa are double the global average even though they tend to be younger, scientists said on Wednesday, adding that many deaths were likely preventable. 

Source: UN News
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has called on the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to exercise restraint amid reports of a violent crackdown by national security forces on demonstrations in the capital, Kinshasa, and a number of other cities.

Source: Inter Press Service News Agency

While the media may be attracted by images of migrants drowning or sold as slaves, another flagrant but lesser-known drama is that of care workers, who are overwhelmingly women, often migrants, and who make a very large contribution to global public health, but are exposed to great health risks themselves with little or no protection, let alone basic labour rights.

Source: allAfrica

Hundreds of women are detained in Kenyan hospitals for failing to pay medical bills, a report published early this month has shown.

Source: allAfrica

Today I am going to talk about W/ro Fanos Beyene. She is a successful model farmer. She was born and raised in Eastern Zone, Ade Woreda, Keref Kebele, at a place called Jitu.

Source: allAfrica

A decision by a judge in Kericho to grant six married women a chance to inherit their father's land has stirred an uproar among elders in parts of the Rift Valley.

Source: UN News Center
South Sudan's children are facing a raft of daily horrors and deprivations and urgently require a peaceful, protective environment, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) said Friday, warning that “anything less, places children and women at even greater risk of grave violations and abuse.”

Source: UNDP

A new United Nations initiative, aimed at building the resilience of a million women and youth in the Sahel to climate impacts through smart agriculture, was launched today at the One Planet Summit. The launch coincides with a gathering of world leaders in the French capital to mark the anniversary of the landmark Paris Climate Change Agreement.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

The president's decision to pardon two convicted child rapists in Tanzania sends a chilling message to survivors, in a climate of increasing violations of girls' rights, activists said.

Source: IPS

12 December 2017 is an auspicious day, as it marks Kenya’s independence from colonial rule in 1963. Today is also Universal Health Coverage Day. It is the anniversary of the first unanimous United Nations resolution calling for countries to provide affordable, quality health care to every person, everywhere.

Source: Al-Monitor
CAIRO — The Egyptian parliament passed a new Inheritance law Dec. 5 giving women their legitimate right to inheritance after the majority had been deprived of it, especially in Upper Egypt where cultural norms and traditions are ingrained with sexism.

Source: allAfrica

Nume Ekeghe writes on FirstBank of Nigeria's women-focused banking products

Source: allAfrica

Thousands of small and medium enterprises in Mauritius will benefit from a US $100-million loan to the country from the African Development Bank.

Source: The London School of Economics and Political Science

For many journalists, critiques and insults are a badge of honor. A few slings and arrows are considered part of the job of ‘afflicting the comfortable and comforting the afflicted’. These attacks become a mark that you must be doing something right if ‘they’re coming after you’.

Source: allAfrica

Karonga — Women in Karonga have hailed Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) for ensuring that women have access and control over land, a development they say has enhanced food security in their homes.

Source: allAfrica

Traditionally many Ethiopians abhor abuse or harassment. This is believed to have secured dignity for the people of the country over the years. Someone who denounces harassment tends to respect the rights of others.

Source: Aljazeera

In the heat of a late September day in Mozambique, southern Africa, we started filming a meeting of young charity volunteers. They had poured heart and soul into an ambitious project aimed at combating HIV and spreading a message about contraception in the province of Gaza.

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