Source: Aljazeera

The United Nations in South Sudan says 311 child soldiers have been released from armed groups in the war-torn country.

Source: UNWomen Africa

A study has recently been conducted by the WSSCC-UN Women Joint Programme on Gender, Hygiene and Sanitation. In four regions of the country (Kédougou, Kolda, Matam and Sédhiou), a research team attempted to cast light on the links between Female Genital Mutilation (sometimes called female circumcision) and the issue of Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM).

Source: AllAfrica

Female genital mutilation is a violent act that, among other things, causes infection, disease, childbirth complications and death, said the Executive Directors of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) in a joint statement for the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

Source: allAfrica

A High Level Breakfast Meeting was organized on January 27, 2018, by Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS) on the theme Empowering Women in Agriculture (EWA) at the margins of the 30th African Union Summit of Heads of State and Government in Addis Ababa. Chaired by Olusegun Obasanjo, former president of Nigeria, the event was attended by representatives of heads of states, rural women in agri-business, partners and other stakeholders.

Source: allAfrica

President Mnangagwa last week appointed High Court Judge justice Priscilla Chigumba as the new Zimbabwe Electoral Commission chairwoman. The appointment comes hard on the heels of other appointments of women in key positions.

Source: allAfrica

Rahma Wako, 50, is an activist working to eradicate FGM 16 years after Kenya banned the practice -- and 44 years after she suffered through the excruciating procedure.

Source: UNWomen

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is mostly carried out on young girls when they have no option to make their wishes heard—sometime between infancy and age 15. It is a human rights violation affecting at least 200 million girls and women alive today in the world.

Source: BayView

Feb. 6 is the international day for the abolition of all kinds of female genital mutilation and cutting. The practice of FGM/C in Africa and the Middle East is a thousand-year-old tradition consisting in cutting the clitoris of baby girls, teenagers and women with a razor blade or an ugly special knife.

Source: allAfrica

El Obeid — In the early 1980s, Abdullah Ali Abdullah saw constant infections and childbirth complications while volunteering in a health centre in Sudan's North Kordofan state. He soon realized many of these issues had the same root cause - female genital mutilation (FGM).

The Wall Street Journal
The crowd of young women fell silent as Grace Dauda limped to the stage, slowed by an old shrapnel wound suffered after she and her classmates were kidnapped by Boko Haram insurgents in 2014.

UN News
The human cost of South Sudan’s long-running conflict has reached “epic proportions” with the number of refugees set to rise beyond three million by the end of this year, potentially making it Africa’s largest refugee crisis since the mid-1990s, the head of the UN refugee agency said on Thursday.

Source: Women's advancment deeply 

South Africa’s draft law on a new minimum wage is being hailed by some as a step towards alleviating poverty. But rights advocates say the bill excludes certain jobs, especially various types of domestic work, which are mainly done by women.

Source: allAfrica

Throughout history, women, half of the Ethiopian population, were not entitled to equal rights, powers and opportunities with their counterparts and the discriminatory socio-cultural beliefs and practices had hampered their participation and benefit from country's development.

Source: allAfrica

Lilongwe — Executive Director for Action Aid Malawi, Grace Malera says there is need to increase women participation in decision making positions in the country.

Source: allAfrica

The African Union has taken several initiatives to demonstrate its commitment to eliminating injustices against women in Africa. The most recent has been a meeting ahead of the African Union (AU) summit scheduled for later this year to highlight the continent's commitment to gender equality.

Source: IPS news

In Zimbabwe, the bulk of rural communities and urban poor still get their energy supplies from the forests, leading to deforestation and land degradation.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

Few women are likely to win seats in Nigeria's 2019 general elections due to discrimination, a lack of will from political parties and a shortage of female candidates.

Source: allAfrica

Vice President Inonge Wina has urged the African Union (AU) to ensure that the gender equality criteria are included in the African Peer Review Mechanism in order for governments to adhere to commitments made during conferences.

Source: allAfrica

The British government will support Nigerian women who want to be actively involved in politics.

Source: allAfrica

The six are among the 21 Cabinet Secretaries announced by the President.

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