Source: allAfrica

Renowned Malawian gynaecologist Dr Chisali Mhango sheds light on abortion law history, misconceptions, fears and law reform process in Malawi.

Abortion is a very common universal phenomenon. Since the beginning of recorded history women the world over have terminated unwanted pregnancies. The first recorded evidence of an induced abortion is found in an Egyptian Papyrus dated 1550 BC.

Source: allAfrica

TANZANIA Data Lab (dLab) has established a strategy to train women and girls countrywide on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Data, to enable them tap various opportunities in digital realm especially in access to financial systems.

Source: allAfrica

Getting gynaecological services in Nairobi's public hospitals is a tedious process that leaves women seeking the specialised services exhausted.

Source: allAfrica

A colourful ceremony was held in Accra yesterday to relaunch the Association of Women in the Media (ASWIM), an all female affiliate of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA).

Source: AllAfrica

In 2013, Debra Adhiambo, 35, then four weeks pregnant, booked an appointment with a popular gynaecologist based at one of the private hospitals in Nairobi. He had been highly recommended by several friends, and since she wanted to get the best treatment, she decided to consult him.

Source: allAfrica

Lüderitz — Woman in Lüderitz were empowered during the 3rd Annual Mayoral Woman Empowerment Conference held at a Lüderitz hotel on Thursday night.

Source: allAfrica

On 23 April 2018 Girl Child Empowerment conducted a community dialogue meeting in Masthebe community in Bulawayo. The activity was cemented with the passion of lifting the banner for young girls and women towards participating in 2018 national elections.

Source: News24

One hundred Moroccan intellectuals have signed a petitiondemanding that the country’s sexist inheritance rule be repealed. I am among the signatories. This rule, ta'sib, is enshrined in the Moroccan family code, a document that outlines laws and rules related to family matters. It is, overall, a fairly progressive document – but not when it comes to inheritance.

Source: The Guardian

A coalition of human rights groups has condemned as unconstitutional the Tanzanian president’s comments that pregnant girls should be banned from school.

Source: allAfrica

Three decades into a global campaign to end the cultural practice of female genital mutilation and cutting worldwide, the desired change is yet to be achieved.

Source: AlJazeera

Free meals programme has fed nearly seven million pupils in about 40,000 schools and changed the nature of education.

Source: allAfrica

Lilongwe — Over 50 000 women farmers from six districts of the country stand to be equipped with skills to help them withstand adverse effects of climate change once the five year US$ 13.3 million Gender Climate and Agriculture Support Programme (GCCASP) under NEPAD Agency rolls into operation.

Source: allAfrica

Keren — The National Union of Eritrean Women branch in the Anseba region is exerting effort on raising the awareness of women and strengthening organizational capacity as well as promoting their economic status, the head of the branch Ms. Amna Hassen indicated.

Source: allAfrica

Lilongwe — Girls Empowerment Network (GENET) has supplied materials for sewing sanitary pads in its ongoing project called 'Happy health and safe project' which is currently running in the area of Traditional Authority Mavwere in Mchinji.


The emancipation of women in Africa is likely to be a long-term idealistic struggle, as patriarchy eats deep within Africa's social systems.

Source: allAfrica

Abuja — The White Ribbon Alliance in collaboration with partners has launched the "What Women Want" campaign aimed at hearing directly from women and girls across Nigeria about how they define quality maternal and reproductive healthcare.

Source: allAfrica

A new study in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) found that treating women subsistence farmers with just a single dose of a cheap deworming medication significantly improved their physical stamina for the grueling agriculture work needed for their family's survival.

Source: UNFPA

MORONI, Comoros – As a midwife, Hadjira Oumouri, 49, spent years advocating for the health and rights of women. Today, she is the second-ever woman Member of Parliament in the Comoros, and currently the only female MP.

Source: allAfrica

Of the 70 elected Senators, 22 of them are women as compared to 2013 polls where female Senators occupied 17 seats.

Source: allAfrica

A lot has been said about prostitution in both local and international media. The practice has been linked to human trafficking and modern-day slavery, to patriarchy, abuse, and exploitation of women, to crimes and social vices in the communities.

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