Source: allAfrica

Political parties in Cameroon have set an ambitious goal ahead of this year’s polls — to put women in at least 30 percent of elected offices.

Source: allAfrica

Buchanan — The Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia or AFELL on Friday, February 23 launched a project "promoting and protecting the Rights of women, children and indigent person" through its legal aid clinics.

Source: allAfrica

After decades of working in HIV and Aids programmes in Tanzania, Dr Yeronimo Mlawa knows it too well why women are more prone to HIV infection than men.

Source: allAfrica

Despite campaigns by different stakeholders on safe motherhood initiatives, Chitipa District Council has registered 65 home deliveries and nine deaths of pregnant women in six months.

Source: allAfrica

AN initiative advocating for safe delivery was launched in Kigoma region yesterday, where it was discovered that only 47 per cent of women give birth in health facilities.

Source: undispatch

80% of all HIV positive women in the world live in sub-saharan Africa. This is the only region in the world where more women than men are living with HIV — scholars have referred to this phenomenon as the “feminization of HIV.”

Source: AllAfrica

There are several African proverbs that extol the values of women. Yet, more often than not, society stereotypes women in negative light. For example, an Ethiopian proverb says: "A house without a woman is like a barn without cows." Another Ghanaian proverb reminds us: "A woman is a flower in a garden; her husband, the fence around it".

Source: UN News 

“If it were a new crisis, the dimensions of it, the scale and the need of it, would be such that it would be one of the biggest crises in the world,” Marta Ruedas, United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan told UN News.

Source: allAfrica

The annual international conference for the Association for Fertility and Reproductive Health (AFRH), will hold in Lagos with the theme 'New Frontiers in Reproductive Technology'.

Source: allAfrica

AMSONS Group of Companies has promised to build two more new modern women's ward at Mwananyamala and Temeke hospitals, a move aimed at complementing the government efforts in social development especially in health sector.

Source: allAfrica

WOMEN operators in tourism industry will meet for a one-day symposium dubbed 'Women in Tourism 2018' in Serengeti National Park this week to discuss the role of women in society and participation of women in the labour market.

Source: UN

“This is an urgent signal for action, and the report recommends the directions to follow,” Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, the Executive Director of UN Women, said on the launch of the new report, Turning promises into action: Gender Equality in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Source: UNFPA

MAPUTO, Mozambique – “We are equal to boys and can also contribute to society,” said 17-year-old Lidia Suale Saide. Lidia knows what it means to stand up for these beliefs. One year ago, she refused her mother’s attempt to marry her off. She said she wanted to become a doctor instead.

Source: allAfrica

Parliament's multi-party women's caucus plans to host a summit on sex work in light of the ANC's resolution to have the practice decriminalised, it said on Thursday.

Source: UN

The United Nations migration agency today said that perhaps 80 per cent of Nigerian migrant women and girls arriving on Europe's shores in Italy could potentially be sex trafficking victims, spotlighting the horrific levels of abuse and violence migrants face along their arduous journeys for a better future.

Source: Aljazeera
Former Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has become the first woman to win a coveted $5m prize for African leadership.

Source: UN Women

Ellen Elecanal spent almost her entire adult life taking care of other people's families, a long journey of adaptation in three foreign countries. Now she's finally back home looking after her own family--but still trying to adapt, this time to a place no longer familiar after being away a quarter century.

Source: IT Web

Around 30 young tech enthusiasts, developers, designers, and entrepreneurs are expected to showcase their digital solutions focusing on sexual health at the WomanUp hackathon.

Source: AllAfrica

To address numerous challenges bedeviling small scale farming in the country, the Federal Government may adopt phygital technology to reach farmers across the country.

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