Source: ENCA
Liberia has imposed a one-year ban on female genital mutilation (FGM) - a highly contentious issue in the West African country - but campaigners said on Thursday it may not be enforceable and urged new president George Weah to push for a permanent law.

Source: openDemocracy

Feminism is not ‘un-African.’ This is a multi-generational, multi-layered movement of women across the continent, including those who resist gender roles in everyday life.

Source: AllAfrica

Bikini photos and sexy dance videos might soon be a thing of the past if Tanzania’s government has its way. A number of artists have now been banned from posting their content.

Source: allAfrica

Dowa — Police in Dowa have expressed concern over the tendency of increasing withdrawals of Gender Based Violence cases by women and girls against their perpetrators at the Victim Support Units (VSUs).

Source: allAfrica

Every child has a right to education but lack of safe menstrual hygiene solutions are often a barrier to many girls especially in the rural areas where some families cannot afford to buy sanitary pads every month.

Source: allAfrica

Victims are from Rugombo, Buganda and Mugina communes in Cibitoke western province. Women activists decry these despicable acts and demand justice and administration executives to intervene.

Source: UN News
As swelling numbers of people flee English-speaking areas of Cameroon for Nigeria, the United Nations on Friday expressed concern over the precarious situation of women and children, which make now up about 80 per cent of the approximately 10,000 registered refugees in eastern Nigeria’s Cross River state.

Source: IPS News
I had already heard many disturbing stories of violence by the time I interviewed Mercy Maina, whose name I have changed to protect her privacy.  Even so, what Mercy told me was truly disturbing. She said she was raped during the post-election violence in August alongside her sister by two men wearing uniforms and helmets, and carrying guns and walkie-talkies.

Source: allAfrica

Partners and families allegedly drugged women and in some cases even physically restrained them as doctors performed the procedure.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

A major insurance scheme launched on Thursday aims to help up to 4 million poor people in Africa and Asia rebuild their lives after climate disasters, its backers said.

Source: UNFPA
Over two years ago, Greece became the centre of a refugee and migration crisis, with hundreds of thousands of people streaming into the country, many of them risking death to escape war, persecution and deprivation. In 2016 alone, some 173,000 people arrived in Greece, overwhelming local communities and resources.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

"We need to stop relying on food distribution and aid money, and create more sustainable, life-long solutions"

Source: TheConversation

The African Union has taken several initiatives to demonstrate its commitment to eliminating injustices against women in Africa. The most recent has been a meeting ahead of the African Union (AU) summit scheduled for later this year to highlight the continent’s commitment to gender equality.

Source: UK Government
The Women, Peace and Security agenda and promoting global gender equality internationally is a key priority for the Government. It is in the UK’s national interest; empowering women and girls through the Government’s work improves peace and stability, economic growth and poverty reduction. Read more...

Source: UNFPA
In a simple white tent in the Lóvua refugee settlement in Angola, women and girls who fled the brutal conflict in Kasai, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, can find safe haven and support.

Source: ISS
Africa has the highest prevalence of communicable diseases in the world – both in terms of mortality (death) and morbidity (illness). This phenomenon has consequences for the health of both women and men, and increased gender mainstreaming in health programmes can help tailor solutions.

Source: allAfrica
Women are the largest economic opportunity. The most convincing business case for women comes from Silverstein and Sayre (2009), who show that women are a bigger economic opportunity than India and China combined. In 2009, women globally earned $13 trillion which is double the combined gross domestic products (GDP) of China and India ($5,6 trillion). This female income was estimated to be $18 trillion by 2014.

Source: Women's Media Center
In 2015, Francine Mirondo* nearly lost her life when her neighbors in Rwigembe village, northwest Tanzania, accused her of practicing witchcraft.

Source: IPS News
Women, separated from their husbands by the conflict, end up being the sole breadwinners for their families, while also carrying out other necessary tasks, such as, fetching water and firewood, preparing food and raising children.

Source: UNFPA

LOVUA, Angola – In a simple white tent in the Lóvua refugee settlement in Angola, women and girls who fled the brutal conflict in Kasai, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, can find safe haven and support.

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