Source: HRW

Government Vows to Unshackle People With Psychosocial Disabilities

Source: IPS

Some parts of Kenya are reeling from the effects of probably the worst drought in the last 20 years. With nearly 3.4 million people food insecure, Kenya’s food security prognosis looks gloomy, with climate change and natural resource depletion set to pose even greater risks in the long term.

Source: IPS

Over 20,000 girls are married before the age of 18 every day around the world as countries continue to lack legal protections, according to a new study.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

In Senegal, some women said #MeToo inspired the first conversations they had ever had about sexual assault or harassment.

Source: HRW

Human Rights Watch research confirms that, once again, there was sexual violence against women and girls during the most recent post-election violence in Kenya. I interviewed over 50 victims and witnesses in Mathare, Kisumu, Bungoma, and Dandora. They told me about rape, gang rape, attempted rape, unwanted sexual touching, and beatings on their genitals, including by members of security forces and militia groups and civilians.

Source: IPS

While many often focus on wealth disparities, economic inequality is often a symptom and cause of other inequalities including women’s access to sexual and reproductive health.

Source: UN Women 

Women refugees find safe spaces to network, learn new skills and recover from the trauma of war and sexual violence in two Women Cohesion Spaces (WCS) supported by UN Women in Cameroon and funded by the Government of Japan and the Swedish Civil Contingency Agency (MSB). Many have regained their health after spending several months as hostages.

Source: AllAfrica

Land empowerment to women is cardinal in the acceleration of development at community and national level.

Source: UN News Centre

18 October 2017 – Speaking to the press at United Nations Headquarters, in New York, Secretary-General António Guterres announced that he will be travelling to the Central African Republic early next week.

Source: IPS
The 16th of October marks World Food Day, a reminder to the international community of the criticality of treating food security as a 21st Century priority if sustainable development, peace and security and the realisation of human rights are to be achieved.

Source: IPS
Once in a while, Africa produces talented women politicians who, despite the odds, overcome the obstacles that impede their success in the political arena.

Source: Africa

For the world to be a place where all people can thrive, one of many important actions needs to take place: the eradication of gender inequality through empowering women.

Source: UN News Centre

Until fighting stops and development takes root, communities and entire regions will continue to face hunger, United Nations Secretary-GeneralAntónio Guterres told the Security Council on Thursday, underscoring the link between conflict and famine. 

Source: Alantic Council

Despite Morocco’s many legal advances in women’s rights, its lack of effective implementation and the existence of legislative loopholes undermines its reputation as an open, tolerant, and progressive country. In recent months, Morocco’s human rights record has come under the scrutiny of international organizations, notably the UN Human Rights Council latest UPR. Morocco’s questionable human rights—and specifically, women’s rights—abuses are a liability to its role as a US ally, a relationship that offers trade, investment, military, and diplomatic benefits to the nation.

SOURCE: Reuters

Women in the Middle East and North Africa are better educated than ever before, but legal and social barriers are hampering their access to jobs and careers, costing the region billions of dollars a year, experts said Wednesday.

Source: GlobalVoices

On 7 September a convoy of 301 refugees from Nduta camp in Tanzania drove back into Burundi, with more Burundians following days after. Overall, 12,000 are registered to voluntarily return this year. While not the first returnees, the number is large; and their journey back is organized by Burundi and Tanzania’s governments and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Source: UN Newc Centre

Despite a 50 per cent drop in AIDS-related deaths since the peak of the epidemic, new HIV infection declines among adults are lagging, prompting the United Nations to launch a 10-point plan that lays out immediate, concrete steps countries can take to accelerate progress.

Source: UN Women
Remarks by UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, for the inaugural Annual Sonke Lecture at Johannesburg, South Africa on 2 October, 2017

Source: UN News Center 
A nutrition crisis, exacerbated by continuing violence, instability and displacement, is threatening the lives and futures of thousands of children in Mali, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) warned today.

SOURCE: UN News Centre

The United Nations health agency is rapidly scaling up its response to a plague outbreak in Madagascar that has spread to the capital and port towns, infecting more than 100 people in just a few weeks. 

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