Source: The New Times
'Empowering Women and Girls to Sustain Families' is the national theme for this year's International Women's Day.

Source: Metro
On the eve of the 101st International Women’s Day on March 8th, Metro looks at its origins and investigates why it continues to be relevant today. International Women’s Day is a global celebration of female strength and achievement which also provides the perfect moment to rally for equal rights across the world.

Source: The Media Line
They get more of a voice in Tunisia, Libya, but Egypt seems to be marching backwards. Is the Arab world becoming a friendlier place for women in politics?

Source: Institute for Security Studies
The effects of civil strife on the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the attendant sexual violations cannot be gainsaid.

Source: New Vision
After the successful implementation of a law against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Uganda two years ago and in Kenya last year, plans are underway to implement a FGM law at a regional level, Dora Byamukama, a legislator at the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) member has said.

Source: Bernama
Namibia will celebrate International Women's Day tomorrow to mark the economic, political and social achievements of women.

Source: UN News Centre
Ban Ki-moon today called for greater efforts to remove barriers that hinder women’s full participation in the economy, citing lack of access to jobs, markets, credit and property as some of the impediments.

Source: Trust Law
Lindiwe Majele Sibanda is chief executive of the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN). International Women's Day gives us an opportunity to take note of women's achievements, but also their potential.

Source: Guardian Media
Recognising the critical role and contribution of rural women, the theme of International Women's Day 2012 is Empower Rural Women—End Hunger and Poverty. The day will be observed tomorrow. Key contributors to global economies, rural women play a critical role in both developed and developing nations—they enhance agricultural and rural development, improve food security and can help reduce poverty levels in their communities.

Source: Nairobi Star
THE Kenya Sugar Board is working on modalities of fast tracking reforms to ensure gender balance. Last Week, justices Abida Ali Aroni, Hillary Chemitei and Said Chitembwe sitting at the Kisumu High Court threw out a petition filed by two female farmers last year challenging the constitution of the Kenya Sugar Board which they argued was not gender sensitive.

Source: Capital FM
Presidential aspirant Martha Karua has been rated as the most inspiring female politician in a new poll by Infotrak Harris research firm.

At a seminar conducted on March 5 in connection with International Women's Day, it was suggested that women should make relentless efforts towards ensuring their equality.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
AS women mark their special day on Thursday, Zanzibar President Dr Ali Mohamed Shein has said there have remarkable women achievements on the Isles.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
IF there are still people who doubt the old adage that; when you empower a woman, you empower the family; it is obvious that they have never visited WEZA families in Zanzibar.

Source: ANGLOP
At least 134 cases of domestic violence were recorded in south-western Namibe province in 2011, Angop has learnt.

Source: ANGLOP
The analysis of the support programme for people with disabilities and rural women dominated the meeting of the Committee on Social Policy held Tuesday, in Luanda.

Source: Shabelle Media Network
Al-Shabaab fighters in militant-held Afgoye town, Lower Shabelle region of Somalia have on Tuesday arrested at least 10 innocent local women after accusing them of unknown charges, witnesses said.

Source:  The New York Times
Just as many women in the United States are feeling under assault from conservatives threatening to impose restrictions on abortion rights and even contraceptives, the groundbreaking agency U.N. Women is marking its first year and hundreds of firebrands and activists are convening here for the third annual Women in the World meeting.

Source: Afrika
Almost half of Kenyans will vote for a woman president, a new opinion poll shows. According to a survey by Infotrak Harris released Tuesday, 48 per cent of Kenyans indicated willingness to elect a woman as the country's fourth president.

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