Source: The New Times
Many women living with HIV are being denied their rights to inherit family property by their relatives.

Source: Myjoyonline
Defence Minister, Lt. Gen. J.H Smith (rtd) has challenged women to be more proactive on issues of gender, peace and security especially in Ghana.

Source: IRIN
The scope of microfinance to lift poor people out of poverty and provide mechanisms of empowerment is being challenged as questions are raised about the supporting evidence.

Source: CNN
Demonstrators rallied Saturday in Morocco's capital, demanding the North African nation reform its rape laws following a teenage girl's suicide after her father said a judge mandated that she marry her alleged rapist -- allowing him to stay out of jail.

Source: UN WOMEN
UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet comments on the ending of the 56th session of the Commission on the Status of Women without agreed conclusions.

Source: All Africa (Concord times)
Women constitute 51% of Sierra Leone's population, yet only 16 out of 112 elected parliamentarians are women. Furthermore, even though 12 parliamentary seats are reserved for Paramount Chiefs, women hardly occupy these seats.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
Health workers in Tanzania have been advised to provide quality services to pregnant mothers in a bid to reduce maternal deaths, caused by some mothers seeking services of traditional healers.

Source: the Herald
While a lot of women are being enrolled into media training and joining the journalism profession, precious few have reached top management. Women decision-makers make it possible and a lot easier for women reporters to grow their careers and see issues they value being put into print.

Source: Sudan News Agency
Chairman of the Council of States, Gen. Hamid Adam Musa, has announced completion of all arrangements for holding the Second for Parliamentarian Women during March 18 - 19 at the Friendship Hall in Khartoum.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
Members of more than 10 women groups in Marangu-East Ward of Moshi, in Kilimanjaro region, want to be trained on marketing skills in order to export their fruits and vegetable products abroad.

Source: The Citizen
Seven South Sudanese women who were taken to India for training have completed a six months training on solar engineering.

Source: The New Times
There are disturbing reports that some HIV positive women are denied the right to inherit family property by their relatives. This information is from research carried out by Women's Network for Rural Development with support from UN Women.

Source: Tunisia Live
Democratic Leader of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi expressed her worry over the state of women's rights and media freedom in Tunisia during meetings with Tunisian government officials yesterday, according to an official in the Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Source: New Vision
Women civil society organizations in Uganda have protested the video dubbed Kony2012 by Invisible Children, saying it is arousing painful past experiences among victims.

Source: New Vision
On Wednesday, the New Vision reported in its lead story that "the Government is to issue ownership certificates to customary land owners ... which is intended to give people more control over their land ..." This news simply made my day.

Source: South Asian Link
“Women’s progress is human progress, and human progress is women’s progress” (Hillary Rodham Clinton). International women’s day has been celebrated for more than 100 years and substantial progress has been made in advancing equality for women, however, still the goals of gender equality and women’s empowerment are not fully achieved.

Source: The Informer
Since the end of the Liberian civil war, nearly nine years ago, many Liberians, especially women and girls who were affected by the war have now begun to take advantage of self help program to restore hope to themselves as the country progresses with its rebuilding process.

Source: Osun Defender
Elimination or drastic reduction of  violence against women, as well as participation of women in governance, will surely enhance the peace of the nation.

Source: Voice of America
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Thursday the U.S. government is recommitting itself to ending modern slavery.

Source: Open Democracy
In the days ahead a struggle looms over women's human rights and gender justice in Egypt. Will the Muslim Sisters rise to the occasion?

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