At a meeting conducted under the organization of the Health Ministry and NUEW in Gash-Barka region, the sub-zonal and Area administrators in the region emphasized that there is a need to combat harmful traditional practices which cause psychological and health problems to women.

Source: Public Agenda
The adoption of the United Nation Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on women, peace and security by international community, marked one of the greatest achievements at the dawn of the new millennium.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
WOMEN have been called upon to go out and challenge discrimination, claim their rights, and transform their societies instead of waiting to be favoured.

Source: Daily Maverick
When 16-year-old Amina Filali was raped, she probably wasn't expecting to be married to her rapist only a few months later. But thanks to an archaic Moroccan law and a tradition of shaming rape victims rather than perpetrators, that's exactly what happened. Amina eventually killed herself - but her desperate act might be just enough to force Morocco into some very necessary reforms.

Source: The New Vision
A total of 320 women in Mbarara were on Saturday screened and tested for breast and cervical cancer at Mbarara referral hospital in western Uganda.

Source: RFI
Liberian journalist Mae Azango has been forced into hiding after publishing an article in the Liberian daily Front Page Africa on the practice of female genital cutting or excision in the country. Azango, a New Narratives fellow talks to RFI's Laura-Angela Bagnetto about her experience.

Source: IOL News
The Moroccan government is considering changes to women's rights legislation after the suicide of 16-year-old Amina Filali, who was forced to marry her rapist and whose story has shocked Morocco.

Source: The Independent
A few weeks ago, on 8 March, the world celebrated International Women's Day, which serves as a clarion call to honor girls' and women's contributions to their families, communities and nations. As our global population swells to over 7 billion, we must heed this call by working to ensure that every girl and woman lives a long, healthy and happy life.

Source: UNDP
Since 1990, the baseline year against which we measure progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, millions of people have been lifted out of poverty. The world is within reach of seeing every child enrolled in primary school, and many fewer lives are being lost to hunger and disease. Overall people are healthier, wealthier, and better educated than ever before.

Source: Vanguard
A wake up call has gone to Nigerian women to be more active in order to take their rightful position in every aspect of the country's economy.

Source: The New Times
The new Executive Secretary of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), Prof. Lumu Alphonse Ntumba Luaba, has reiterated the need eliminate armed militia if the region is to rid itself of sexual atrocities.

Source: Voice of America
“Free at last” after decades of civil war with the north, South Sudan is building a nation from scratch. As women flood to the world’s newest capital city, Juba, aid agencies say an effect of so many years of violence is that most women are unaware of their rights. One Israeli group, though, is battling to stamp out gender-based violence.

Source: Voice of America
Countries that invest in women’s employment, health, and education are likely to have better outcomes, said U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the recent Women in the World Summit.  

Source: Angola Press
The assistant Ombudsperson, Maria da Conceição de Almeida Sango, has defended that the women who currently hold leadership or other relevant posts in the country, in various areas, have achieved these positions through their own commitment, and not exclusively because of the state policy on gender.

Source: IRIN
Congolese refugees in Oruchinga camp, southwestern Uganda, have welcomed the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) guilty verdict against former Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) rebel leader Thomas Lubanga. Some of the refugees are survivors of attacks by Lubanga’s forces.

Source: Vibe Ghana
Mr Sulemana Gbene, Assistant Programme Manager of Plan Ghana has called on women and young girls to be tactical in demanding their rights from men in order not to provoke them.

Source: Financial Gazette
This instalment is dedicated to all women on account of International Women's Day (IWD) which is held annually on March 8.

Source: Today's Zaman
Turkish lawmakers, who have studied constitutions of other countries from the perspective of gender equality, have found that the Rwandan and South African constitutions are picture perfect in that regard.

Source: The New Times
Senate’s vice-president, Jeanne d’Arc Gakuba, has called on young girls to work diligently in order to improve their school performance.

Source: Daily Observer
Eight rural Liberian women, who left the country in September of 2011 for training in Solar Electrification at Barefoot College in Rajastah, India, returned home last Friday.

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