Source: Vanguard
A wake up call has gone to Nigerian women to be more active in order to take their rightful position in every aspect of the country's economy.

Throughout history, women have been faced with gender bias, inequality in recognition and compensation compared to men. Various terms have been used for this struggle over the years and up till today, women face discrimination and prejudice but are resolved more and more to continue to work hard to make a difference to improve their lives and the lives of others.

Making the call in Lagos at a programme to celebrate this year's Women's Day in Lagos with the theme; "Be Outraged, Be Inspired, Be Informed, Be Active.", Executive Director , Knot Centre Focus on Women, Mrs. Ajibola Tobi Lawal stressed the need for Nigerian women to be angry enough about their present situation to want to get out of it and work their way into improved situation, circumstances and status.

Tobi Lawal who stated that the programme was organised in line with the International Women's Day, IWD, observed every 8th of March globally to celebrate women's achievement and for women to inspire one another said it is high time Nigerian women are encouraged to take their rightful position in a population of 162 million people.

Stressing that IWD should not be seen as mere observation, she said international efforts for women's rights and participation in social, political and economic processes.

She noted that the idea behind Knot Centre Focus on Women was to make the world a better place by creating a forum where women can come together to make a positive impact on their immediate individual family and community as a whole.

"Our aim is to jolt women into action through the provision of vital information, education, training and all other forms of empowerment. We provide referrals, organise workshops and initiate programmes designed to meet the needs of women.

We liaise with relevant government and non-government organizations to provide information and guidance to aid women in making informed choices. We create channels for effective networking and development of leadership skills through communication."

She further advised women to be focused, believe in themselves as well as have a "birds eye" view of everything going on around her, not to shun mentoring or help

if available, not to compromise on standard in whatever their line of business and perhaps the most important is to be persistence, nothing can take the place of perseverance or pe


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