Source: Open Democracy
Whether one considers the direct effects of military rule and conflict on women, or the global economic implications of the US war-on-terror, militarism threatens to strip away all the 20th century gains in women’s rights, dispossessing us once more. African women must take a stand, says Amina Mama.

Source: SW Rdio Africa
The United Nations (UN) has been slammed for its silence on Zimbabwe and the campaign of politically motivated rape, unleashed by Robert Mugabe’s supporters during election periods.

Source: Al-Akhbar
The fielding of an all-women slate of candidates for the upcoming parliamentary elections could start a trend in a country where women remain grossly underrepresented in political life.

Source: Open Democracy
Women in Burundi have won radical changes to the country's Penal Code, making rape punishable by life imprisonment. The taboo of speaking out against sexual violence has been broken and the lives of some women - and men - are beginning to change forever, says Lyduine Ruronona.

Source: Angola Press
Media Minister, Carolina Cerqueira, appealed on Tuesday in Luanda to African women to continue to develop lobbies and make advocacy, aiming for an effective exercise of women's rights.

Source: Vanguard
Julia Sebutinde from Uganda on Monday officially started her term as a judge at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague.

Source: Vanguard
BEFORE now, it was common sight to behold several children of school age in the streets of Lagos hawking wares either for their parents or guardians in order to eke out a living even while their privileged peers are busy in classrooms acquiring knowledge.

Source: Reuters Africa
Morocco on Thursday said it would amend a law allowing rapists to marry their underage female victims after the suicide of a teenage girl raised doubts about the effectiveness of reforms to women's rights in the country.

Source: IRIN
Zimbabwe's ambitious plan to offer an HIV test to every household in the country is not yet under way but is already being met with scepticism by activists who feel this is not a priority for the country, especially with global HIV/AIDS funding on the decline.

Source: AWID
The role of women and girls as key to changing the course of development has received increasing attention in recent years, further bolstered by calls for making gender equality a cornerstone of development, but has the rhetoric of commitment translated into actual financial support?

Source: IPS
"I would like to use contraception, but my husband is against it," says Bintou Moussa*. The 32-year-old mother has just given birth to her sixth child at the Abobo General Hospital in Cote d’Ivoire’s commercial capital Abidjan.

Source: Voice of America
Women activists and lawyers are pressing for justice in the December gang rape of a woman in northern Mozambique.  Investigators allegedly haven’t visited the crime scene and the 17 attackers walk free as tradition clashes with law in the southern African nation.  Johannes Myburgh went to Pemba in northern Mozambique and brings us this report.

Source: The Daily Observer
The European Union charge d' affaires in The Gambia has bemoaned the widespread violence against women, saying "thousands of women and girls are victims of gender-based violence every single day in the form of sexual abuse, trafficking or early and forced marriage".

Source: National Times
It is more dangerous to be a civilian woman than a soldier in many conflict zones today.

Source: Voice of America
The U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Section says the program is part of a year-long mentoring programme for young women journalists to help improve their reporting skills and prepare them for decision-making positions within the media.

Source: The Zimbabwean
The Research and Advocacy Unit is deeply concerned with the manner in which political violence has contributed to poverty among rural women. Political violence as witnessed during the 2008 disputed elections resulted in the injury of many women, leaving them maimed and unable to fend for their families. Breadwinners were killed or disappeared resulting in income losses and at times forcing families into abject poverty.

Source: Angola Press
Angola's minister of Justice, Guilhermina Prata, said Wednesday in Luanda that the adoption of the Law on Domestic Violence in Angola results from the commitment shown by political power to tackle the social issues, especially involving women and children.

Source: IRIN
A ruling by the International Criminal Court (ICC) finding former Congolese rebel leader Thomas Lubanga guilty of conscripting child soldiers in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) Ituri region is good news in the fight against impunity but more crimes there should be prosecuted, say analysts.

Source: The Southern Times
The launch was on International Women’s Day (March 8). The framework replaces the National Gender Policy of 1997.

Source: The Guardian
The verdict over 'virginity tests' was a blow to the feminist struggle in Egypt. Here, the woman who sacrificed everything to bring the case to court, warns that women's rights are now under threat from two sides - the military and the Islamists.

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