Source: New Times
African Development Bank (AfDB) president Donald Kaberuka has said the International Women's Day is a day of celebration and a day of challenge, often rolled into one.

Source: Weekly Trust
The first female House of Representatives Leader, Representative Mulikat Adeola- Akande (PDP, Ogbomosho North, South/Orire), spoke on the plight of women in Nigeria and the way forward. Excerpts:


Source: Sunday Times
An International charity organisation, Action Aid Rwanda, has pledged more commitment towards supporting rural women in fighting hunger, enhancing their economic strength through building their capacities and attainment of gender equality.

Source: Sunday Times
Anglican Bishops and other leaders of the church across the country have promised to use their influence and responsibilities to preach against Gender Based Violence (GBV) as one of the ways they believe their works will contribute towards eradicating the habit.

Source: New Times
Clerics across the country have been challenged to play a major role in promoting gender equality as they are well-positioned to interact frequently with their followers.

Source: Namibian
THE SADC Protocol on Gender and Development, aimed at promoting women's empowerment and eliminating gender-based discrimination through the achievement of gender equity, came into force at the annual meeting of gender ministers in Mozambique earlier this month.

Source: Premium Times
The skills and capabilities women offer various multi-nationals and indigenous companies cannot be over emphasised and should be recognised and nurtured, Accenture, a multinational management, consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, has said.

Source: Think Africa Press
A frail, pale and breathless woman was bleeding profusely during childbirth at the make-shift maternity ward of Primary Health Care (PHC) centre Dogon Dawa in Kaduna State, Nigeria.

Source: The Star
KENYA joins the rest of the world today in marking the International Women's Day - a day set aside to celebrate the advancements and achievements made to promote an equal society.

Source: The Star
Today, March 8, is International Women's Day. Since 1975 this day has been commemorated by millions of people across the world. It is a day to take stock of progress made towards equality for women and girls and to celebrate the important role played in our societies by women from all walks of life.

Source: New Times
TODAY, Rwanda joins the rest of the world in celebrating International Women's Day. This year's theme, Gender agenda gaining momentum' is one in which this country has reveled in.

Source: World Bank
Despite the steady economic growth in many African countries over the last few years, gains have not always translated into greater gender equality or poverty reduction, the World Bank announced today.

Source: African Arguments
Today is International Women's Day and the beginning of a month-long emphasis on the lives of women and the challenges and opportunities they face in the 21st century. At the RAS, we began the month with an event held at Parliament discussing women's political participation and leadership in Africa.

Source: AlJazeera
On this International Women's Day let women embrace themselves in multiple identities and complexities. Each of us embodies many realities all at the same time. The same woman who may be raped is also a mother, a professional worker, a migrant labourer, or.... None of our issues should be singularised although there are times they need priority.

Source: Egypt Independent
International Women's Day, celebrated on 8 March each year, is a day to honor women and the struggle for women's rights. Egypt Independent profiles three women leading very different lives, to explore some of the issues facing women in contemporary Egypt.

Source: Amnesty International
It is estimated at least half a million people are killed with guns every year and on average a further 200,000 men, women and children die as an indirect result of armed conflicts and violence that are frequently fuelled by the uncontrolled flow of small arms.

Source: Women Watch
History of International Women's Day


International Women's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political. It is an occasion for looking back on past struggles and accomplishments, and more importantly, for looking ahead to the untapped potential and opportunities that await future generations of women.

Source: Congress of South African Trade Unions
The Congress of South African Trade Unions salutes all working class women on this, their important day, International Women's Day. This day emerged out of the struggles of working class women in the United States, who organized themselves to strike for better working conditions, better pay, voting rights and against women's oppression and inequality, signaling that the struggle for economic rights and for political rights is inseparable.

Source: UN News Service
Ahead of International Women’s Day, a team of United Nations agency representatives arrived in Sierra Leone today to support gender equality and to gain international attention for a new national policy meant to recognize the critical role of women in achieving broad-based economic growth and consolidating peace efforts.

Source: New Vision
Having travelled 45km from Kampala to Kammengo in Mpigi district, following directions to the letter, looking for Trust Development Initiative (TRUDI) SACCO bank there was no way I was going to miss the modest signpost reading 'TRUDI BANK' outside one of the majestic buildings in the town of Kammengo (a small trading centre on the highway).

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