Source: The Observer
"Respect All Regardless of Sexual Orientation" her placard read.

She was preparing to participate in a peaceful march to launch the awareness week for the Fifth Annual Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Peace organised by the Refugee Law Project (RLP).

The light-skinned 34-year-old Congolese refugee ran away from her home country in September 2001 to find peace in Uganda.

While there are no bullets flying past her daily, Uganda has not offered much of a peaceful life.

Source: Times of Zambia
FIRST Lady Christine Kaseba is committed to supporting the advancement of women empowerment.Dr Kaseba called on Government to create a conducive environment that would make women's initiatives flourish.

Source: Reuters
A U.N. policy-making body agreed upon a declaration Friday urging an end to violence against women and girls despite concerns from conservative Muslim countries and the Vatican about references to women's sexual and reproductive rights.

Source: ABC News
Conservative Muslim and Roman Catholic countries and liberal Western nations approved a U.N. blueprint to combat violence against women and girls, ignoring strong objections from Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood that it clashed with Islamic principles and sought to destroy the family.

Source: Times of Zambia
THE Government has donated nine hammer mills and assorted poultry equipment worth KR180,000 to nine Women Clubs in Mwense District in Luapula Province, to enable them embark on income generating activities to reduce poverty.

Source: Abt Associates (Cambridge, MA)
BETHESDA, MD — Providing life-long antiretroviral treatment to HIV-infected pregnant women not only prevents HIV infections in infants, but also improves the 10-year survival rate in mothers, saving more than 250,000 maternal life years and reducing the likelihood that children born to these mothers will become orphans, a study published today in the journal PLOS ONE found.

Source: Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington, DC)
"In Zambia, when women have delivered, we say 'Oh, you have survived.'" This chilling reminder of the impact of maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa came from Professor Elwyn Chomba, a Zambian government public health official interviewed by CSIS for a new video about the challenges of maternal mortality and a new initiative to address it.

Source: CNN
When she was 14 years old, Kakenya Ntaiya entered the cow pen behind her home with an elderly woman carrying a rusty knife.

Source: AWOKO
Women from different organizations in the country have gathered in Freetown to discuss unplanned pregnancies and unsafe abortions in Sierra Leone.
The two-day workshop held at YWCA is organized by Ipas in collaboration with WAADO.

Source: Xinhuanet
Despite marked progress in curbing the HIV epidemic, a high percentage of schoolgirls are still HIV positive in South Africa, latest figures revealed.

Source: Nigerian Tribune
GONE are the days when girl-child education only ends in kitchen! In the past, sending girls to school in some countries was viewed and treated as taboo. But, when awareness began to increase, such idea is now fast becoming obsolete. Also, the dual responsibilities of educated women to both their husbands’ families and their parents’ families have equally helped in changing the negative perception associated with girl-child education.

Source: IPS
"Ten reasons why women must vote 'Yes' for the draft constitution..." says the Constitution Select Committee's campaign radio jingle that plays over the airwaves in a grocer's store at Mukumbura border post business centre on Zimbabwe's northeastern border with Mozambique.

Source: Daily Trust
At a recent consultative session with a delegation of the Nigerian parliament, the National Assembly, the issue of women’s participation in politics came up, and one of the male parliamentarians said: “it’s not that we dislike your (women’s) participation in politics, in fact the Nigerian constitution does not discriminate against women, it’s just that you women are mostly not organised and you do not support and encourage yourselves”.

Source: Daily Trust
On Wednesday, the Women's Rights Advancement and Protection Alternative (WRAPA) celebrated the end of the Raising Her Voice Project (RHV) in the country.

Source: New 24
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood has warned that a UN document demanding global standards to prevent violence against women is un-Islamic and would lead to the "complete degradation of society".

Source: Amnesty International
When she met her husband, Amina Agami never thought her home would become the place of nightmares – nor that one day she would have to gather the courage to leave him.

Source: The Star
Some 20 Kiambu women who lost in the March 4 elections have asked President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta to appoint them to government. They said it is only fair for Uhuru to appoint them because they spent their resources to campaign for elective posts.

Source: The New York Times
During its decades as an underground Islamist movement, the Muslim Brotherhood has long preached that Islam required women to obey their husbands in all matters.

Source: Maghreb Arabe Presse
The royal approach in favor of the promotion of youth and women's conditions was fostered anew through the inauguration by HM King Mohammed VI, on Wednesday in Sefrou, of two centers for women's training and youth competence development respectively.

Source: The Chronicle
The Takoradi Market Women Association is calling on the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA) to ensure a safe environment which will make the market attractive and safe for customers to patronise the market.

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