Source: Reuters
Equatorial Guinea has moved aggressively to protect women and girls from violence under the government of President Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, according to President Obiang's senior adviser on women's issues.

Source: Government of Ghana
Six African Countries has pledged their commitment to collaborate with civil society, share best practices and use governmental power to fight gender-based violence.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
OXFAM, an international non-governmental organisation (NGO), in collaboration with various organisations and stakeholders in Morogoro Region, has conducted courses on rights of women on land tenure and other activities.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
The 2013 UN International Women's Days has come and gone, providing women throughout the world with a platform to air their voices on various aspects including their rights.

Royal Philips Electronics released its  Fabric of Africa Trends Report on healthcare services across Africa, focusing specifically on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), maternal and child health and the strengthening of healthcare systems.

Source: Africa Science News
Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest proportion of underage marriages with nearly half of population of young women marrying before their 18th birthday. This according to Global advocates is being fueled by poverty, retrogressive cultural practices alongside legal and policy deficiencies.

Source: IOL News
‘Few issues have so divided politicians, policymakers, education officials, school governing bodies, principals, teachers, learners and the public as what to do about teenage pregnancy.”

Source: UNAIDS
How much progress has the global AIDS response made in ensuring that women and girls live their lives free from violence? What are the next steps needed to strengthen the challenge to gender-based violence and its links to HIV? These critical questions dominated a high level consultation which took place in New York on 9 March during the 57thsession of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). 

Source: Global Times
The just concluded general elections in Kenya was sweet victory for the country's men who managed to clinch the bulk of strategic national leadership positions thanks to a patriarchal set up hostile to women's participation in civic affairs.

Source: The New York Times
Some horrific events over the past few months, including the shooting of a Pakistani schoolgirl and the rape and murder of a young Indian physiotherapy student, should have been an alert for the world to unite in preventing violence against women.

More women are using birth control worldwide, but an unmet need for contraception persists, a new study shows.

Source: Middle East Voices
“It is time for an uprising of women in the Arab world,” writes Hanin Ghaddar, managing editor of NOW News in Lebanon in the second annual publication to mark International Women’s Day by the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Middle East Program.

Source: GroundUp
It was International Women's Day (IWD) on Friday. And it seemed an appropriate time for a reminder about the labour movement origins of the day and of its noble aims and egalitarian promise. This because several recent studies reveal that the female half of humanity is once again bearing the brunt of the global economic crisis. After all, when it began in 1910, IWD was rich with the promise of equality.

Source: EWN
A Tygerbear Foundation social worker today said an increasing number of women are facing dilemmas on whether to abort their babies after they have been raped.

Source: Daily Guide Ghana
A women’s right organization, Leadership and Advocacy for Women in Africa (LAWA) Ghana Alumnae Incorporated is promoting tougher stance on domestic violence offences with a call for enforcement of existing laws and stiffer punishment for perpetrators.

Source: Concord Times via
Personnel of the Kailahun police station are currently investigating one of their officers accused of sexually abusing a 16-year-old girl while under police detention.

Source: The Star
Trans Nzoia women representative-elect Janet Nangabo has said she will address challenges in women education and initiate peace in the county.

Source: The New Vision
At the Naguru stage, off Nakawa Market, everyone knows Rose Namande although locals prefer calling her Jajja or Aunt Rose. From the boda boda cyclist to the women in the market, hers is a household name.

Source: The Star
The Gender and Equality Commission has gone to court seeking to have all lists submitted for nomination to parliament withdrawn. Chairperson Winfred Lichuma says parties should have nominated only women so as to meet the 1/3 gender rule. She says the number of women elected in the recently concluded elections did not meet the constitutional requirement.

Source: Leadership
Senators has described as discriminatory and obnoxious a unified service rule which provides that female officers recruited into all military, Nigeria Police Force and para-military organisations must stay unmarried for two years after which she has to apply for express permission to marry.

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