Source: Cameroon Tribune
VSO Cameroon in a research finding has published their ordeals with possible recommendations.

South African businesses are among the leaders when it comes to planning to hire more women this year, according to the 2013 Grant Thornton International Business Report on women in business, released last Friday.

Source: The Star
A law will soon be put in place to curb the number of early pregnancies among children, Magarini MP Harrison Kombe has said. According to Kombe the cases of girls who have dropped out of school was alarming.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
OLAM Tanzania Limited, the major processor of cashew nut in Tanzania, survey findings show that farming of the crop has social impacts of female employment.

Source: New Times
Girls in the country should not take things for granted but set future goals in the early stages of their life, a Cabinet minister has said. Venantia Tugireyezu, the Minister in the Office of the President, who was presiding over an Imbuto Foundation awards ceremony in Kirehe district at the weekend, said such a virtuous living would benefit the country in the long-run.

Source: Premium Times
To provide funds for women empowerment, Coca-Cola Nigeria and the International Finance Corporation, IFC, Monday, signed a $100 million agreement to finance women micro-distributors in the company's value chain.

Source: The Star
When a medical student was raped on a bus in India's capital, New Delhi in December last year, thousands were shaken out of their homes into the country's major city streets to protest the heinous act that also sparked a wave of condemnation from across the world.

Source: Vanguard
Abuja — The National Primary Health Care Development Agency, NPHCDA, has said 18 states of the federation were set for integration into basic HIV/AIDS services at the lowest level of health care delivery in the country.

Executive Director of the agency, Dr. Ado Mohammed, who disclosed this in Abuja,

Source: The Point (Banjul)
The Gambia Immigration Department (GID), in collaboration with UNAIDS on Monday began a two-day training for immigration personnel on HIV transmission, prevention and control.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, held at the GID Headquarters in Banjul, Nuha Ceesay, UNAIDS' Country Officer,

Source: The Star
A pregnant women can transmit the damaging effects of stress to her unborn child through the placenta, say researchers.

The impact is felt by a protein that affects the developing brains of boys and girls differently.

Scientists believe it could explain known links between maternal stress and disorders such as autism and schizophrenia,

Source: The Observer
Dr Gudula Naiga Basaza is a farmer with Gudie Leisure Farm and also the Chairperson Uganda Women Entrepreneurs Association Limited (UWEAL), an organisation that unites women entrepreneurs.As Uganda marked International Women's day last week, Naiga told Alon Mwesigwa that Ugandan women had a lot to celebrate.

Source: Council on Foreign Relations
“It is time for an uprising of women in the Arab world,” writes Hanin Ghaddar, managing editor of NOW News in Lebanon in the second annual publication to mark International Women’s Day by the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Middle East Program.


FIRST Lady Christine Kaseba says gender-based violence (GBV) is a human rights issue that calls for economic empowerment of women to be eradicated.

Dr Kaseba said economic empowerment could only be sustainable if women and girls were equipped with knowledge through education.

Source: The Guardian
What happened to the Egyptian women who were gang raped and sexually tortured in Tahrir Square on 25 January 2013? Not much, other than power holders incriminating the victims as being responsible for bringing the assault upon themselves. Consequently, four leading rights organisations – El Nadim Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture and Violence, the Center for New Woman Studies, Nazra for Feminist Studies and the Center for Egyptian Women's Legal Aid – have filed an official complaint on behalf of seven female clients.


Source: The Daily Beast
In a promising step toward the economic empowerment of women in emerging markets, The Coca-Cola Co. and International Finance Corp, on Monday announced a joint initiative that aims to support female entrepreneurship in Eurasia and Africa.The $100 million, three-year project will provide businesswomen within Coca-Cola’s supply chain with access to critical financial backing. In doing so, the initiative will pool the vast resources and networks of two of the world’s largest corporations. Coca-Cola’s beverage distribution system, which supplies more than 200 countries around the globe, has been held up as a model of efficiency and reach by such luminaries as Melinda Gates, who has urged not-for-profits to take a page from the company’s playbook. Meanwhile, the IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, leveraged more than $20 billion in private-sector investments last year to foster sustainable growth.

Source: Premium Times
The Minister of Health, Onyebuchi Chukwu, has said that the maternal mortality rate in Nigeria dropped from 704 per 100,000 live births in 1990 to 487 per 100,000 live births in 2011.

Source: Tanzania Daily News (Dar es Salaam)
Domestic violence is a major cause of miscarriages, a problem that afflicts millions of women around the world, a recent World Health Organisation (WHO) report has said.According to the report, up to 70 per cent of women experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime.

Source: Lybia Herald
With its ‘Women on the Frontline’ fund, the Netherlands will seek to help women in the Middle East and North Africa organise themselves better. This was announced on Thursday, March 7, by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Lilianne Ploumen, ahead of International Women’s Day.

Source: Daily News Egypt
Nehad Abul Qomsan, director of the Egyptian Centre for Women’s Rights, criticised on Saturday the delegation representing Egypt in the 57th United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. An Egyptian delegation arrived in New York last week in order to attend the commission’s session. The delegation was led by Pakinam Al-Sharkawi, presidential assistant for political affairs; it included Mervat Al-Tellawi, head of the National Council for Women (NCW), and Fatma Khafagi, the council’s head of complaints office.

Source: Bikya
“I know what it means to lose your house, to be looted. To look a child in the eye and say, ‘If they come for me, you need to run’,” said the newly appointed United Nations Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict. “I know what it means to give testimony and to investigate the documents.”

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