Source: Media Global
For decades, the Central African Republic (CAR), a Landlocked Developing Country (LLDC) in Central Africa, has been afflicted with the challenges of endemic poverty, poor health, and weak governance.

Source: The Star
More than 1,000 girls are lined up to undergo Female Genital Mutilation in Baringo, Pokot and Marakwet counties during the December holidays. In Loboi location of Marigat district, a local politician is among those secretly planning to have a circumcision ceremony for his two daughters.

Source: The Star
More than 1,000 girls are lined up to undergo Female Genital Mutilation in Baringo, Pokot and Marakwet counties during the December holidays. In Loboi location of Marigat district, a local politician is among those secretly planning to have a circumcision ceremony for his two daughters.

Source: New Era
About five hundred people are expected to stage a protest march today starting in Katutura to the Windhoek Central Hospital where they will hand over a petition demanding that the government set aside plans to appeal a High Court decision last year in which the court ruled that three women were sterilised without consent and were therefore coerced.

Source: The Point
The Network Against Gender-Based Violence recently organised a one-day training on gender-based violence for law enforcers of various disciplines in the country.

Source: The Herald
FOURTEEN Zimpapers reporters yesterday attended a two-day workshop on gender reporting. The participants were drawn from The Herald, Sunday Mail, Manica Post, Kwayedza, H-Metro and Star FM. The workshop, hosted by Gender Links, is designed to prepare journalists for 16 days of activism and how to report issues from a gender sensitive perspective.

Source: The Star
WOMEN and youths are the most affected by HIV-Aids in Mombasa county, the National Aids Control Council has said. The two groups contribute to three quarters of prevalence in the county, which has an estimated 58,100 residents living with HIV, according to a report by the National HIV and Estimates, Nascop/NACC 2012.

Source: The Star
In yesterday's Star, we published an interview with Melinda Gates, the co-founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, about her family planning projects in Kenya. Today, read about how previously unreached women in the slums are embracing modern family planning methods.

Source: The Star
When Faith Akoth discovered she was pregnant, she was overjoyed. This was her first pregnancy and she could not wait to be a new mother.

Source: DW
After repeated clashes in Tripoli, hundreds of women have demonstrated for an increased presence of the military and police. A military withdrawal from the capital helped spawn the conflict with no end in sight.

Source: The Herald
Women from Harare's Sunningdale suburb have welcomed a potato growers' programme by local entrepreneurs to grow potatoes saying this would empower them and improve household food security. The potato growing project has been rolled out in Mbare and Sunningdale districts spearheaded by Sunningdale Zanu-PF district's women's league with women undergoing intensive training in the income generating project.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
VODACOM Tanzania has reiterated its commitment to continue supporting the government to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The Vodacom Managing Director, Mr Rene Meza, said the company was keen to support as many development projects as possible in the country in a bid to achieve the MDGs.

Source: Trust
A report issued on Monday (November 18) by the African Child Policy Forum, a research institute based in Ethiopia, shows that the number of girls enrolling in primary school has soared across Africa in the last decade.

Source: Sudan Tribune
A South Sudanese women group are pushing for the inclusion of family laws in the young nation's new constitution, highlighting the rise in radical voices advocating equality.

Source: Sudan Tribune 
An East African rights group has called on the UN to approve a resolution on the protection of women human rights defenders (WHRDs), saying recognition for campaigners in the Horn of Africa was "long overdue".

Source: Vanguard
A group of concerned women on Sunday urged mothers to promote descent dressing from home in the girl child to curb incessant sexual harassment and rape in the society.

Source: Government of Ethiopia
First Lady Roman Tesfaye stressed that the empowerment of women is decisive to advance family planning services. Speaking at the 3rd International Family Planning Conference, she also noted that family planning is the prime option to improve the living conditions of women and children and realize health-related Millennium Development Goals.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
WOMEN have been challenged to cultivate a habit of searching for information and grab available opportunities by engaging in income generating activities.

Source: The New Times
A new partnership meant to empower women through education leadership programme has been formed in Kigali.

Source: The New Times
The National Women Council (NWC) has elected two new members to its board.

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