Source: Tanzania Daily News
It is estimated that 1,500 women and girls die every year from diseases brought about by lack of access to sanitation and water in the country.

Source: Executive Mansion
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has called upon Liberia’s female lawyers, gender advocates and civil society to “think out of the box” and come up with suggestions on how to address the growing crime of rape of young girls in the country.

Source: Zimbabwe Independent
There has been some impressive progress in some countries in increasing the number of women cabinet ministers, but how do these women act once they get into their new posts? Chiedo shares her research findings on the topic.

Source: Tanzania Daily News (Dar Es Salam)
RECENTLY, in mid December 2013, the media reported that 21 girls aged between three and 17 were subjected to genital mutilation (FGM) in Same District.

Source: The Herald
Government has deferred the setting up of safe homes for gender based violence victims to next year owing to lack of funds.

Source: Huffingtonpost
On January 14th Tunisians will mark the third anniversary of the "Jasmine Revolution." Three years ago, three weeks of popular protests sparked by the self-immolation of a Tunisian street vendor culminated in the ouster of former Tunisian President Zine El-Abedine Ben Ali and triggered a series of events that would come to be known as the "Arab Spring."

Source: Newvision
The number of mothers dying in pregnancy and during childbirth has declined in the last one year in 8 districts that are piloting a US-supported initiative providing emergency obstetric and newborn care.

Source: Ahramonline
A three-day workshop will focus on international human rights instruments and strategies to defend the rights of women.

Source: UN Women
Around 600 women have been trained in literacy, entrepreneurship and other skills to enhance their physical and economic security.

Source: Daily News
A WEEK before Christmas, reports from the Police Gender Desk (PGD) at the Urban- West Police head Office in Zanzibar revealed how a 45-year old father defiled his own 12-year old daughter.

Source: The New York Times
The last month saw a sharp escalation of violence in South Sudan, with the usual impact on women and girls. The trauma has reverberated throughout the region, as the birth pangs of a new nation remain fresh.

Source: Premium Times
Some Itsekiri women on Wednesday stormed the Delta Government House annex, Warri, demanding explanations on the fracas in Ugborodo community in Warri South-West Local Government Area.

Source: Heritage
The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) and UN Women have extended assistance to women groups in Gbarpolu County to foster empowerment of rural women.

Source: ThisDayLive
As part of her efforts to alleviate poverty in Plateau State, especially among rural women and youths, First Lady of the state, Mrs. Talatu Jang, has embarked on training of over 25,000 Plateau women drawn from across the 17 local government areas of the state, on financial literacy.

Source: The Atlantic
From 1991 to 2002 civil war consumed Sierra Leone, killing more than 50,000 people. While the story of the war has been told in various forms (most notably the Hollywood movie Blood Diamond), far less attention has focused on the country's attempts to step out from behind the specter of violence.

Source: Aljazeera America
Morocco aims to toss part of its penal code allowing rapists who marry their victims to go free, lawmakers told Al Jazeera Wednesday.

Source: IPPMedia
Domestic violence is any act or attitude that is likely to result in physical, sexual, cultural or psychological harm or suffering or death, which occurs in the family or community.

Source: Magharebia
Little has changed since last month when Moroccan women's rights NGOs staged a protest in Rabat to ask for reforms protecting women from abuse and violence.

Source: GlobalPost
Tunisia voted Monday to enshrine gender equality in its draft constitution, a key step towards safeguarding its relatively progressive laws on women's rights, with the ruling Islamists under pressure to compromise.

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