Source: Aljazeera America
As the country spirals out of control, the UN mulls sending troops while women stage silent rally to protest violence

Source: SW Radio Africa
The globally commemorated 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence kicked off Monday, amid reports that the abuse of women and children is on the increase in Zimbabwe.

Source: The Daily Observer
Think Young Women (TYW), a young women-led non-profit organization has joined the rest of world in commemorating the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence on the theme, 'From peace in the home to peace in the world: Lets challenge militarism and end violence against women.'

Source: Tanzania Daily News
THE government has embarked on an ambitious establishment of one-stop centres (OSCs) countrywide to facilitate timely service delivery to victims of Gender-Based Violence (GBVs).

Source: The Star
Leyla Kassim's (not her real name) six-year-old rake-thin frame, neatly draped in a blue buibui, trembles visibly as she relives the despicable experience when she was defiled by her 25-year-old neighbour as she went home from school.

Source: The Star
Devolution Secretary Ann Waiguruhas said gender-based violence has increased. She said more women are suffering in silence due to the stigmatisation. Speaking in Nairobi yesterday, Waiguru said the violence is taking a toll on women.

Source: Sahara Press Service
Participants in a forum on violence against women, organized Monday in Tipasa, agreed to denounce all forms of violence against Saharawi women by the Moroccan occupier.

Source: Voice of America
The Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS - UNAIDS - says every hour 50 young women become newly infected with HIV. Many of those infections are related to violence.

Source: UN News Service
Today is an opportunity for each person to recommit to ending the harm being committed against one out of three women, senior United Nations officials said marking the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
AS part of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence, activists in Zanzibar are organising a 'special' forum where victims of gender violence, law enforcers, magistrates and other stakeholders will discuss violence against women.

Source: The Herald
A woman has caused a stir in the Temaruru area in Rusape after she set up an "abortion clinic" at her homestead which has resulted in the death of one of her clients and a still birth by another.

Source: Zimbabwe Independent
WOMEN and girls in Zimbabwe are carrying the burden imposed by local and central government’s failure to provide uninterrupted clean and safe water to the majority of the capital’s residents, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW).

Source: UN News Service
The United Nations agency leading the response to the AIDS epidemic is calling for an end to gender-based violence, which is not only a serious human rights violation but also increases the risk of HIV infection.

Source: UN News Centre
Outlining the array of challenges faced by United Nations police in peacekeeping missions, top UN Police officials today stressed the necessity of increasing the number of women officers for success in fulfilling their mandates.

Source: Vanguard
The Medical Director, Optimal Cancer Care Foundation, Dr Femi Olaleye, on Friday said breast cancer killed one in every 25 Nigerian women.

Source: Daily Trust
The umbrella body of women organizations in the country, the National Council for Women Societies (NCWS) has condemned the decreasing number of women in appointive positions in the country.

Source: The Standard
CASES of young girls who are being sexually abused even by the very people who are supposed to guard and watch over them are a cause of concern to gender experts and officials.

Source: The Star
A 17-year-old girl died on Monday after trying to abort a pregnancy. The girl, a form two student at Lwala Mixed Secondary School, died while being treated at Migori Level Four Hospital.

Source: The New Times
While many never dream about going to school once they clock 40 years, it is a different story for 45-year- old Beatrice Uwizeye. Over three decades after dropping out of school, Uwizeye is determined to get to the pinnacle of her education dream.

Source: Trust
Uganda has one of the world's highest unmet needs for contraception, leading almost 300,000 women to seek backstreet abortions each year - with many dying as a result, the Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) said in a new report released on Wednesday.

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