Source: Daily Trust
Inspired by the first woman mechanic in Nigeria Sandra Aguebor-Ekperuoh, several young girls from different parts of the country are trooping into Kaduna to make a career in auto mechanics. Weekly Trust reports

Source: Tanzania Daily News
A SPECIAL programme to speed up the hearing of children and women's abuses by courts of law is in the offing to ease the backlog of cases pending at different levels of the judiciary.

Source: The Star
Seven parents and a circumciser have been arrested in Ywalateke village, West Pokot county for circumcising six girls. Speaking to the press at Chepareria Subcounty Hospital where the girls are receiving treatment, area chief Jacob Lemutukei said the suspects were arrested after a tip-off from the public.

Source: United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur
More than 50 women leaders from various civil society groups, non-governmental organizations, the State Legislative Council along with local Government representatives and UNAMID officials participated in the open-day session on the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325.

Source: IRIN
Nomsa*, 20, was on her way to register at a university outside Pretoria, South Africa, with four friends when the men grabbed her. "I was fighting with them," she said. They dragged her into a building, where the five of them took turns to rape her. The friends ran away and did not come back to look for her. The men took Nomsa's mobile phone.

Source: Ghana Broadcasting Corporation
The First Lady, Lordina Mahama has called on governments, the UN, AU and other international organisations to ensure that perpetrators of sexual violence against women during conflict situations are made to account for their actions.

Source: Leadership
No fewer than 98,000 Nigerian women die annually from smoke inhaled during cooking with firewood, an official of the Federal Ministry of Environment, Bahijjahtu Abubakar, has said.

Source: United Nations Departement of State - IIP Digital
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced seven new awards worth nearly $8 million to address gender-based violence.

Source: IRIN
Efforts to reduce violence against women in Madagascar are coming up against the economic realities and social norms lived by the majority of women in the country.

Source: Key Correspondents
The need to address HIV and sexual violence against women is an issue under the spotlight as leaders and activists gather at an international conference in South Africa this week.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
FROM independence in 1961, Tanzania has long served as a beacon of women's progress in East Africa. But when it comes to domestic violence the country's shining reputation is missing polish.

Source: IPS
Specialised sexual offences courts could make a dent in South Africa’s staggeringly high rape rate by speeding up the turnover of rape cases and thereby convicting more rapists and encouraging more survivors to report the crime. However, unless the South African government puts its money where its mouth is, the so-called “rape courts” will amount to nothing more than a “nice idea”.

Source: IPS
Uganda may have the third-highest fertility rate in the world but where there is life, death is inevitable. And it is a certainty that Regina Mukiibi Mugongo made the most of when she became this East African nation’s first ever funeral director almost two decades ago.

Source: Times of Zambia
FIRST Lady Christine Kaseba has called for integration of sexual reproductive health issues and cancer into the fight against HIV and AIDS if the fight is to achieve the desired results.

Source: Trust
New laws designed to increase the number of elected women in Kenyan politics had no effect on the 2013 elections because those concerned failed to implement them, the Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) said.

Source: Aljazeera
Women's rights activists in Morocco have criticised the Islamist-led government for excluding them from drafting a proposed legislation to combat violence against women and for seeking to dilute the bill through changes.

Source:The Observer (Kampala)
 The minister of state for Primary Healthcare, Sarah Opendi, has called for increased emphasis on family planning to prevent the consequences of unwanted pregnancies.

Source: The Star
Police in Bomet are holding two women over female genital mutilation on four girls. The two women aged 60 and 56 were arrested yesterday by police after a tip off by residents. They allegedly carried out the rite at Kapsimotwo village in Bomet Central.

Source: Gender Links
Cyber violence is on the increase, yet remains inadequately addressed in most countries. While young people are at a greater risk, both women and girls are especially vulnerable to violence perpetrated via the internet and new media platforms. Preventing technology-related gender based violence (GBV) is an important component in ending violence against women and children.

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