Source: News24
Nigeria has evacuated from Mali 104 of its citizens, mostly women, either made to work as "sexual slaves" or suspected of involvement in human trafficking, officials said on Tuesday.

Source:  NowLebanon
While there is no reason to panic, concern about the rise of Islamists in post-dictatorship Arab societies is warranted, especially as the rights of women are particularly and immediately open to attack.

Source: HuffingstonPost
The Arab Spring represents a remarkable opportunity for Arab women to take back their rightful place in their own societies as equals.

Source: The Sowetan
AS WE mark the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children, the sport and recreation fraternity takes a stand against any form of abuse against our mothers, sisters and children.

Source: Magharebia
The Islamist electoral triumph may have emboldened Salafists to try to impose their mores on Tunisia's public life, some observers note.

Source: The Sowetan
I COULD not help but notice how the media industry treats gender issues with disdain. This is reflected in the harsh levels of criticism directed at institutions tasked with addressing gender equality - such as the Women's Ministry and the Commission

Source: Sudan Vision
Though the nationality act has given women some rights and restricted those based on marriage/there is a need to be undertaken to guarantee the full equality between citizens in all their rights. The nationality law provisions of equality are but only one dimension about equal citizenship.

Source: Public Agenda
Co-Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science, Dr. Marsha Henry has recommended that more women should be allowed to participate in peacekeeping because of their multiple roles at a given time.

Freetown — In a bid to address maternal mortality, gender based violence, early marriage, Bondo initiation, HIV and AIDS in the country, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has taken a campaign to Tonkolili district as part of a pilot project in 39 chiefdoms in Bombali, Koinadugu and Bo districts to scale up community stakeholders.

Source: DailyMe
More than 300 Mothers Union members of Eldoret Anglican Church of Kenya held a peaceful march in the town to pray for peace ahead of 2012 elections.

Source: All Africa
Government plans to construct mother's shelters in most rural health centres as a means of combating maternal mortality rates in the country.Community Development, Mother and Child Health Deputy Minister Jean Kapata said the construction of mother's shelters

Source: All Africa
The Ethiopian Women Lawyers' Association's (EWLA) request to the Federal High Court Eleventh Civil Bench to release 8.6 million Br that is being blocked by the Ethiopian Charities & Societies Agency (ECSA) Board was denied on October 28, 2011.

Source: BBC News
Thousands of women are refusing to work on farms in north-west Cameroon's Wum district after a spate of rapes and assaults blamed on cattle herders.

Monrovia - Liberia's Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has ambitious plans for her second presidential term but putting them into action has been difficult because of election violence and an opposition boycott which has deepened the country's divisions.

Source: The Egyptian Gazette
“Women played a big role in the ousting of president Hosni Mubarak and they have the right to participate in every aspect of political life,” says Hoda Abdel-Ghani, a professor of sociology in the Faculty of Arts, Helwan University.

Source: Open Democracy
The majority of voters in the South Kordofan election in May 2011 were women. In the violence that ensued, women activists who had mobilised the women to vote were targeted, their offices destroyed and all record of their work erased from history. Zeinab Blandia told Amel Gorani their story.

Source: The Medialine
Marwa and Heba are polar opposites, at least outwardly. Both 23 years old, Marwa, a recent university graduate and unemployed, is veiled, while Heba displays her hair in a pony-tail uncovered. Both take drags from their shisha (water pipe) at a local café.

Source: IOL News
The United Nations Security Council on Monday called on UN peacekeepers in Central African nations to step up measures to head off attacks by brutal Lord's Resistance Army rebels.

Source: The Guardian
The 11 candidates contesting presidential elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo all pledge to improve peace and security in the country – promises received with varying degrees of scepticism by Congolese voters.

Source: IPS Africa
Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s victory for a second term of office has been described as a boon for women despite the controversy surrounding an opposition boycott of the runoff.

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