Source: IPS
Life in Bwaise – a slum on the outskirts of the capital of Uganda – has never been easy. But increasingly erratic rains over the last three years have brought constant floods to the former swampland.

Source: All Africa
The Secretary General of the Sierra Leone Market Women's Association, Madam Marie Bob-Kandeh has said that market women will hold successive governments accountable should they fail to adhere to

Source: Heritage
Gender and Development Minister, Varbah Gayflor, has asserted that despite efforts to fight against Gender Based violence (GBV) in the country, women are still being abused in so many ways.

Source: Heritage
President Ellen Johnson- Sirleaf has by Proclamation declared Friday, November 25th through Saturday, December 10th, 2011 as the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence to be observed throughout the country as Working Holidays.

Source: Vanguard
A woman, Sadiyya Shuaibu, on Wednesday urged a Kaduna Sharia Court II to compel her husband Muhammad Aliyu to accept the paternity of their two-month old son.

Source: Daily Nation
Violence against women continues unabated throughout the world except in those "enlightened" countries where the issue is taken extremely seriously and sanctions against it are prohibitively stiff.

Source: All Africa
A human rights activist has called on Eastern Cape men to stand up and fight against the abuse of women and children by men.

Source: All Africa
Have you ever wondered whether there can be peace in the world when there is none at home? This year, the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence campaign launched by the Coalition of Violence Against Women in Nairobi yesterday will

Source: Market Watch
Influencers and decision-makers from across the Middle East and North Africa will discuss the unprecedented opportunity to improve women's rights in the region at a 4-day conference organised by the British Council. The event will take place at Wiston House in Sussex from 24 - 27 November.

Source: US Department of State
Long a subject locked in the home behind a curtain of silence, violence against women will be pushed into an international spotlight in the days and weeks ahead in recognition of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

Source: The Zimbabwean
It is that time of the year once again – no, not Christmas, the time we commemorate the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence. There has been so much talk about peace recently, especially in Zimbabwe, and this is a good step considering this year’s 16 Days theme, “From peace in the home to peace in the world: Let’s challenge militarism and end violence against women.”

Source: Afrique en Ligne
Society-Violence against women - Marking the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday urged governments and the corporate sector to increase funding to the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women.

Source:Swazi Observer
THIS year has seen additional studies linking the empowerment of women with a reduction in HIV, and renewed programmes to give women the tools needed to prevent infections. 

Source: EuroNews
November 23, 2005 Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is officially declared the next President of Liberia, making her the first elected female African head of state.

Source: New America Foundation
A decade ago, as a bookish schoolgirl in the southern Egyptian city of Sohag, Samira Ibrahim Mohamed was fascinated by Egyptology and yearned to see the antiquities at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo one day.

Source: UPI.Com
Myriad small farmers in Africa are being set up to fail by multinational corporations that end up assuming their land, a Canadian professor says.

Source:  Global Arab Network
Since 25 January there has been an overwhelming amount of media coverage of women’s participation in protests across Egypt, including mothers who felt it was safe to bring their newborns to protest sites, young female students painting the faces of family members

Source: IRIN News 
GALKAYO, 3 November 2011 (IRIN) - Women's groups in the Somali town of Galkayo are lobbying the authorities in the self-declared autonomous region of Puntland to enact a law banning female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), saying the practice was becoming widespread. Activists say FGM/C causes serious health problems to the women and is against their religion.

Source: IRIN
Nurse Zainab Blell’s mobile phone has been ringing all morning at the Aberdeen Women’s Centre, a clinic in Freetown, Sierra Leone’s capital. After explaining to countless callers that this is a hospital line, Blell gets a genuine request for help and tries to get more details. “When did you give birth? When did you start having a problem?”

A new report released this week by ActionAid International outlines the serious challenges that young women in Liberia face on a daily basis. A multi-country report, Women and the City: Examining the gender impact of violence and urbanisation explores the violence and abuse that women in Brazil, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Liberia and Nepal encounter on a daily basis in urban communities. The Liberia research specifically focuses on the systematic experiences of violence young Liberian women suffer during their studies at university and whilst travelling to and from campus.

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