WOMEN have been challenged to come out and take political positions in 2012 for them to attain a third representation in Parliament. Women who want these positions countywide are handful and it may be a big challenge for them to attain this requirement as stipulated in the constitution.

Source:  UN News Centre
The United Nations official leading the fight against sexual violence during conflicts today urged the international community to never forget the deadly violence which ravaged Guinea in September 2009, noting that while justice in the country had been delayed, it could not be denied.

Source: UN News Centre
Strong laws are vital to ending violence against women, but the long road to tackling this scourge begins with a change in attitudes, Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro stressed today during a visit to Ethiopia.

Source: Brooking Institution
Whatever would Aristophanes, the Greek playwright of antiquity, think of the new PBS documentary, Women, War and Peace? In his play Lysistrata performed in the fifth century B.C.

Source: South Africa Government Communications
The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) hosted a successful two-day Continental Consultative Dialogue on the Impact of Climate Change on Women from 19 to 20 November 2011 in Pretoria under the theme: "Women Unite: Towards a Fair, Transparent, Equitable and Inclusive COP17/CMP7 and Beyond".

Source: The Independent
On Sept. 21 Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff became the first woman ever to give the opening speech at UN General Assembly session. She called this ‘the century of women’.

Source: ReliefWeb
On the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, UNICEF today joined with World Day of Prayer and Action for Children in launching a new three-year initiative in more than 30 countries to protect children against violence.

Source: Business Ghana
Ms Malonin Asibi, Brong-Ahafo Regional Director of Department of Women, on Monday expressed worry about the low participation and representation of females in decision making processes in the region.

Source: New Vision
Government has been urged to implement the domestic violence Act to protect the lives of people especially the vulnerable women and girls.

When people think of Africa, they don’t associate it with gender equality.

Tunisia’s first free elections have been won by an Islamist party whose leader is set to head the country’s parliament. Now concerns are rife that women’s rights will be eroded as the country is gripped in the vice of narrow Islamic traditions.

There are over 750 million Muslim women in the world and the question that often crops up is who speaks for them? Who leads them? This October about 200 Muslim women leaders from about 40 countries attended the 'Muslim Women Leaders at the Frontline of Change' in Istanbul, Turkey, a conference organized by the Women's Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality (WISE).

Source: Global Post
Samira Ibrahim, who pursued legal action against the Egyptian military for allegedly forcing her to undergo a ‘virginity test,’ anxiously awaits the verdict of the State Council on November 29.
Dar es Salaam — Women in Tanzania, like their counterparts in most other parts of the world, are winning the battle to close the gender gap in health and education, but they are still hugely discriminated against in politics and widely sidelined in ownership and management of businesses.

Source: ReliefWeb
A group of United Nations independent experts today expressed alarm at the degree of violence and deterioration of the freedoms of peaceful assembly and association which have led to loss of life in Egypt, ahead of parliamentary elections planned for 28 November 2011.

Source: Pambazuka News
The World Bank’s flagship annual publication pushes gender equality up to the Bank’s agenda, but critics express concern about its implementation and unwillingness to consider gender a women’s rights issue.

Source:  The Guardian
Despite staff being much better trained in abortion procedure, Dr Swebby Macha says many girls are still given incorrect information, which leads them to resort to dangerous methods.

Source: The New Dawn
A new report released this week by ActionAid International outlines the serious challenges that young women in Liberia face on a daily basis.

Source: The Sunday Independent
November 25 marks the 21st anniversary of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence campaign. Tracing the origins of this campaign is important, as it developed from campaigns started by women in their immediate communities.

Source: The Guardian
In Zambia, the taboo surrounding abortion leads to thousands of women dying every year as they try to terminate pregnancies.

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