Source: IRIN 
Around one million Nigerians have been forced to flee their homes as a result of the Boko Haram insurgency in the northeast, according to the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). But the real figure is likely to be far higher, as NEMA officials cannot access the most insecure parts of the region.

Extrapolating from NEMA's count, the Presidential Initiative for the Northeast – a relief and recovery scheme – estimated last year that 1.5 million people had been displaced. 

Source: Tanzania Daily News 
ACTIVISTS in Zanzibar have urged the media to encourage women participate in politics and get ready to be voted into government during the next general election.

Activists from Ulingo Platform, Jumuia ya Wanawake Wenye Ulemavu Zanzibar (JUWAUZA) -- an organization for disabled women of Zanzibar, Gender Coalition, and TAMWA said that low representation of women in all decision making groups at all levels frustrates them in fighting for their rights.

Source: Yahoo News 
Angelique Kidjo, one of the biggest African musicians on the world stage, on Sunday won her second Grammy for World Music album for "Eve," a tribute to the continent's women.

"This album is dedicated to the women of Africa -- to their beauty and resilience," the Beninese singer said. "Women of Africa -- you rock!" 

Source: IRIN
Reports that rates of sexual assault and teenage pregnancy have soared in Sierra Leone since the start of the Ebola outbreak have prompted the government to plan a raft of measures to protect girls and the UN to investigate the scale of the increase.


Post EVD recovery strategy is currently a high-table agenda of government and development partners in Sierra Leone. Specifically reclaiming girls from the lost paths in the course of their development is in top gear as was demonstrated this past Saturday at the well packed Kissy Town Community Hall in Waterloo, Western Rural District as the Girl Child Network engaged the community in an open dialogue and awareness raising forum on the importance of girl-child education and the role of the community to discourage early sex and teenage pregnancy.

Source: Deutsche Welle

The words "The Promise" are written in large letters over the tiny restaurant in Lagos Airport. Oluremi Sonaiya is seated on a plastic chair and opposite her are two young campaign assistants busily typing away on their laptops. Sonaiya has had enough of promises; too many of them made by the country's politicians have been left unfulfilled.

Source: The New York Times
Girls in at least 70 countries have faced threats, violent attacks and other abuse for trying to go to school over the past five years, the U.N. human rights office said Monday.

Source: Reuters
Pope Francis on Saturday condemned female mutilation and domestic violence against women, calling them degradations that had to be combated.

Source: Spy Ghana
Ghana has opened its social protection strategy for the United Nations, non-governmental organisations, donor community and development partners to scrutinise at New York.

Source: All Africa
Lilongwe, February 4, 2015: President Prof. Peter Mutharika says there is need to review some of the country's laws regarding women empowerment if Malawi is to have more women in decision making.

Source: All Africa
The Land Policy Initiative (LPI) organizes on 4 and 5 February 2015, in Entebbe, Uganda, an Experts' Group Meeting (EGM) to revise and validate the draft Gender Strategy of the organization.

Source: Press Release Rocket
The United Nations designates Feb. 6 as Zero Tolerance Day for Female Genital Mutilation, calling upon the world to use this day to enhance awareness and take concrete actions against FGM. Family support and community education through Unbound offer hope for ending FGM.

Source: SWC Bulletin
He may be set to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, but Gordon Bailey has his sights set a bit higher than the 19,341-foot peak.

Source: All Africa
This is the fourth in a series of articles analysing regional progress on gender equality and women's empowerment.

Source: AllAfrica
The African National Congress sends its condolences to the family of Kayde Williams on their daughter's tragic and untimely passing.

Source: Swazi Observer
On many International Women's Day celebrations, one is likely to hear a raft of statistics that both celebrate and lament the status of women.
While some indicators of gender equality have improved, others continue to shock and disappoint.

Source: This Day Live
The 24th Session of the Summit of the African Union (AU) with the theme 'Women's Empowerment and Development towards Africa's Agenda 2063' was held recently in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with focus on women empowerment and overall development of the continent.

Source: Jamaica Observer
SO, we are once again in Black History Month. Much discussion has been generated about the marginalised male in the African diaspora, in general, and Jamaica in particular.

Source: Huffington Post
Due to weak gender policies, lack of credible evaluation and measurement, implementation and monitoring, vaguely imported programs and the willingness to act, African governments are letting women and girls down.

Source: SpyGhana
Stakeholders, led by the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Nana Oye Lithur, have validated the new National Gender Policy (NGP); to help address gender equity and empowerment of women for national development.

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