Source: All Africa
A report published by two science organisations earlier this month criticised the current framework for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as being largely ill-defined, not based on the latest science, lacking in synergy and with no narrative of development.

Source: Morocco World News
A group of 38 women's groups presented a report on violence against women in Morocco last week in the capital Rabat. The report, whose content has been reported by news website Hespress, has found that 55% of these women have suffered or are still suffering from domestic violence.

Source: Thought Leader
As a woman who was once an extremely frightened girl, I know full well and appreciate the benefits that come with feeling empowered in a largely male-dominated world. Much of the abuse I experienced as a child was at the hands of angry, damaged, broken, lurid men.

Source: Xinhua
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon lamented here on Friday the "slow and unequal" rise of women in global politics at a high-level conference.

"There are many more women in the global political arena, but progress is very slow and unequal," Ban said at the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women).

Source: Daily Independent (Lagos)
On the night of April 14 and 15, 2014, about 276 female students who were quietly sleeping on their school dormitory at the Government Secondary School, Chibok in Borno State, were kidnapped and till date, 219 of the girls are still missing. Boko Haram claimed responsibility for the kidnappings.

Source: The Huffington Post
This last year was an amazing year for women's advancement. Whether on the red carpet, Twitter or in the halls of the United Nations, it seemed everyone was talking about women's rights and advancing women's empowerment. The momentum shows no sign of slowing down, either. The African Union has declared 2015 the "Year of Women's Empowerment."

Source: Gender Links
Gender networks across the Southern African Development Community (SADC) urge the Council of Ministers to place the review of the SADC Gender Protocol high on the agenda of the 2015 Heads of State Summit.

Source: Deutsche Welle
Lobola is the name given to bride price in the Zulu, Xhosa, Ndebele and Swazi cultures which span the southern tip of Africa. It is a custom in which the family of the bridegroom man pays the family of the bride for her hand in marriage and has been in existence for centuries.

Source: PRWeb
Academy Award winning Director and Producer Louise Hogarth will document the process of paying wages to rural crafters in Bitcoin in her upcoming documentary, "DO Elephants Go To Heaven?".


Source: allAfrica

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a profound problem in many countries of sub-Saharan Africa: in Rwanda, 35 percent of women have reported experiencing physical, sexual, or emotional violence from a spouse or partner; in Liberia, 49 percent of women experienced violence from an intimate partner.


Imagine a day in which your access to clean, drinkable water ceased and you could not shower or bathe properly and you had no one to help you. For more than 783 million people around the world, that day was today.

Source: The Herald

Gender education and training to service providers such as the police, the judiciary, health and social workers was included with community sensitisation programmes regarding available services and resources for survivors including people with special needs.

Source: The Africa Report

The perpetration of violence of against women and girls in Ghana remains widespread, a concern Amnesty International raised on Wednesday in its 2014/15 human rights report.

Source: Zalebs

DJ Zinhle has found another way to give back to South African women. The DJ and businesswoman will be sharing some wisdom with several ladies who would like to know more about the entertainment indusrty.

Source: Stanford Social Innovation Review
Initiatives to develop the economic potential of women are becoming a staple of corporate activity in many parts of the world. But companies often overlook an important set of would-be partners—locally rooted organizations that promote a multi-faceted approach to women's empowerment. Here's a guide to cultivating partnerships that yield lasting value.

Source: Huffington Post
Sometimes art can be an impactful catalyst for change, and that's exactly how Alexsandro Palombo likes it.

Source: Business Day Live
Hopes that a South African-developed vaginal gel containing the HIV/AIDS drug tenofovir would protect women against HIV were dashed on Tuesday, after a major new study found that it did not work.

Source: The New Dawn 
The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MGCSP) has warned parents to stop sending their children in the streets to sell during school hours or risk arrest. 

Source: Radio Australia 
Kenyan schools entrepreneur Dr Kakenya Ntaiya made an extraordinary bargain with her father at age seven — she would undergo female genital mutilation in exchange for an education. 

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