Source: The Guardian
From the Girl Declaration at the African Union (AU) Summit to Malala Yousafzai being the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize, girls dominated 2014. Here are some of the most celebratory moments of the last year.

Source: The Guardian
 What should be included in the sustainable development goals to promote women's equality and empowerment, and will they work ?

Source: AllAfrica
The year 2015 is symbolic for gender equality and women's empowerment for three reasons.

Source: Irish Times
A chilling picture of the challenges facing women's rights activists in Afghanistan has been given by a campaigner from there who is visiting Ireland.

Source: StarAfrica
Senegal's Minister of Women, Family and Child Protection, Mrs. Mariama Sarr, has commended the ECOWAS Commission for its initiatives in the promotion of gender equality and sustainable development within the region.

Source: Huffington Post
A pre-teen female player has attracted widespread attention with her fight to overturn a clerical ban on her right to play football alongside boys in a co-ed league. Backed by her parents, the player initially succeeded with an online and media campaign to force the clergy to lift the ban temporarily.

Source: Bloomberg
As the death toll from Ebola approaches 9,000 in West Africa, the illness has at least temporarily disrupted female genital mutilation, a centuries-old practice that brutally harms young girls.

Founder and CEO of Africa's leading beauty brand, House of Tara international; Tara Fela Durotoye gets profiled on CNN's African Voices, a weekly show highlighting Africa's most engaging personalities and exploring the lives and passions of the people shaping it.

Source: AllAfrica
A Non Governmental Organisation (NGO), Asiwaju Freedom League (AFL), has concluded plans to embark on massive economic empowerment for African women and youths with a view to reducing poverty to the lowest level in the continent.

Source: AllAfrica
It is a pleasure to address the Women's International Forum this afternoon. I thank the President of the Forum, Sahar Baassiri Salam, for her kind introduction, and the previous President, Nareumon Sinhaseni , for extending the original invitation to me.

Source: AllAfrica
At the close of 2014, a new report by the World Economic Forum revealed that Rwanda is among the top ten, out of 142 countries that have achieved much in closing the gender gap.

Source: Times LIVE
The rising demand for Aids drugs, increasing failure of the 2.7 million South Africans on ARVs to take them properly, new infections among young women and dwindling funding threaten the advancements made last year that have brought down the infection rate.

Source: Hiru News
Monday 12th January 2015, Colombo: The Coca-Cola Company's 5by20 programme was named Best Global Initiative for Women's Economic Empowerment at the Women in Leadership Economic Forum in Dubai.

I've been a strident advocate for a woman's right to choose since I was a pre-teen, and it's still difficult for me to say those words. So many assumptions about my life can be made on the basis of that admission, and the shame is real.

Source: The Guardian
Amnesty International calls the killings 'a disturbing and bloody escalation' and a local defence group says its fighters have given up trying to count the bodies.
Hundreds of bodies – too many to count – remain strewn in the bush in Nigeria from an Islamic extremist attack that Amnesty International described as the "deadliest massacre" in the history of Boko Haram.

Source: The Telegraph
This week, Iceland will host a gender equality conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York in the spirit of Emma Watson's HeForShe campaign. Foreign minister Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson tells Lauren Davidson why part of the event will be just for men.

Source: The New York Times
A FEW weeks ago, as I was leaving my office, I stopped at a traffic light and watched a young woman cross the street in front of me. She wore a pair of jean shorts cut fashionably high, and I could see the crease of her left buttock extend each time she took a step. She wouldn't have been out of place in London or New York or Tokyo. Except that this was Johannesburg, the biggest city in a country known for its high levels of violence against women. As I pulled away, I worried that she might be assaulted.

Source: Reuters
Medical charity Medicins Sans Frontiers (MSF) has opened the first care center in the current Ebola epidemic for pregnant women, whose survival rate from the virus is virtually zero, the charity said on Saturday.

Source: StarAfrica
Nigeria and Procter and Gamble (P&G), a multinational organisation, have signed a Memorandum Of Understanding to support women empowerment initiative called 'Growing Girls and Women in Nigeria (GWIN).

Source: StarAfrica
The Deputy Minister of Gender and Children Affairs Mustapha Bai Attila has warned that despite being pre-occupied with the fight against Ebola, the government is monitoring every act of crime.

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