Source: Horseed Media
Since the collapse of the central government in 1991, Somalia has suffered from civil-war, widespread famine, broken infrastructure, rampant human, women, and civil rights abuses, poverty, human trafficking, rape, murder and corruption on every level of the society.

Source: AllAfrica
Zimbabwe's Ministry of Health is currently gathering evidence on acceptance of a new Cupid Female Condom before rolling it out.

Source: AllAfrica
EAST African Community (EAC) Secretariat in collaboration with GIZ plan to conduct sensitization workshop in Mtukula and Sirari borders between April 16 and 17 and 23 and 24 respectively to strengthen communication and sensitization of the community achievements and popularizing integration benefits.

Source: AWID
It's been one year since the abduction by Boko Haram of 276 female students from their boarding school in Chibok, Borno State in northeastern Nigeria.

Source: International Business Times
Most countries in the world have failed to achieve the "Education for All" (EFA) targets set by the United Nations in 2000, with only half the countries achieving universal primary school enrolment, according to a report released by Unesco on Thursday.

Source: The Ethiopian Herald
Scholars argue that though democratic and participatory election immensely benefits all, it affords women the cream of the cake.

Source: UN News
Libyan women have a crucial role to play in resolving the crisis in their country, a senior United Nations official said in an address to 250 Libyan women gathered in Tripoli, at a dialogue aimed at including women from all walks of life in the political process.

"We count on Libya women, who were active during the 17 February revolution, to continue to advocate for peaceful solution ... We count on you to spread the culture of peace in your communities and to talk and engage with all who have a role to play in brining stability to Libya," said Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya, Bernardino León, via Skype on Saturday.

About 250 Libyan women, who gathered in the capital Tripoli, listen to a briefing by Special Representative and head of the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Bernardino León. Photo: UNSMIL

Mr. León briefed the audience about the progress of the ongoing political dialogue and answered questions regarding the ceasefire, timeframe for agreement and addressed concerns about spoilers seeking to derail the process.

He also stressed that efforts to bring peace to Libya must continue regardless of the obstacles, adding that quick solutions were necessary due to the humanitarian and economic difficulties the country is facing and the increasing terrorist attacks by Daesh also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Libyans, particularly women, have paid and continue to pay a high price in the North African country's armed conflict, said Mr. León, adding that the role of women in pushing for the dialogue process is crucial, as it is also crucial in ensuring the implementation of any political agreement resulting from these talks. Women must get involved in talks at the municipality and tribal level.

"Women have a very important role in following up on the political process and in participating in the new unity government," the Special Representative said, adding that Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has stressed the importance of women's participation in the transitional process.

The dialogue was facilitated by the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) in collaboration with various Libyan women groups. Mr. Leon acknowledged the role of the two women participants in the political dialogue, Ms. Nehad Meiteeg and Ms. Naima Jebril, for their efforts to reconcile the differences among the other participants.

More specifically, he commended their communication with and briefings to civil society and women's groups at gatherings in Tunisia and Jordan in recent weeks in support of the dialogue were of tremendous importance.

Source:All Africa
As a daughter she is usually not permitted to manage or inherit family land. The family expects her to move into her husband's family land after marriage. As a wife she is generally not allowed to control, much less inherit her husband's land- it belongs to the husband's family and cannot be passed on to strangers.

Source: All Africa

This is the eleventh in a series of articles analysing regional progress on gender equality and women's empowerment. The SADC Gender Protocol Alliance has merged an earlier campaign for an addendum on gender and climate change to the SADC Gender Protocol (SGP) within the broader campaign for a strong post-2015 SGP.

Source:Swazi Observer
Gains women have made in national decision-making rank amongst the highest in the world, while traditionalism seeking to constrain women has been on the rise on the ground too. 

Source:IPS News
The statistics tell the story: in some parts of the world, four times as many women as men die during floods; in some instances women are 14 times more likely to die during natural disasters than men.

Source: The News Monrovia
Delegates at the just ended National Constitutional Conference on the review of the 1986 Constitution in Gbarnga, Bong County, voted for the Constitution to guarantee inheritance rights for traditional women.

Source:Huffington Post
What is democracy? For some it is simple. One man, one vote. But if you were to ask the men and women on the streets of Tunis, Tripoli and Cairo just a few years ago, the answer would have been more complex. Free and fair elections are a solid basis for a democracy. But the ability of all groups in society to be heard in the one institution that represents all the people in the country - parliament -- and to be actively involved in making the decisions that define our daily lives, is just as fundamental. That is why people around the world continue to fight and die for democracy.

Source: AllAfrica
The first plenary session of the sixteenth session Regional Coordination Mechanism for Africa (RCM) on 28 March 2015 discussed the United Nation's system support to the African Union's Year of Women's Empowerment and Development towards Agenda 2063.

Source: Huffington Post
As the Rwanda Country Director of Indego Africa - a nonprofit organization that empowers female artisans across the country - I work everyday to provide women with access to economic opportunity and education. 

Source: NextCity
The first informal healthcare worker, a woman who goes by Monica, hangs up when I tell her I’m a journalist. I phone another provider, Drec, twice; he hangs up the first time. “You are trying to make a business out of putting other people into trouble,” he says the second time, his voice trembling slightly, and then he, too, puts the phone down for good.

Source: ANGOP 
The governor of Lunda Sul, Cândida Narciso, Monday, in Saurimo, considered the application of the gender perspective, by the Angolan government, as a gain of peace. 

Source: GhanaWeb 
The Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, Hon. Nana Oye Lithur, has reaffirmed her outfit's commitment to promoting Gender Equality, Children's Education as well as empowering the vulnerable in society.

Source: Tanzania Daily News 
PARENTS and guardians in Moshi municipality have been urged to allow their children to undergo vaccination against cervical cancer.

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