Source: Malawi24
Girls Empowerment Network (GENET) officials say lack of human rights knowledge among women and girls is the major obstacle in fight against Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the country.

Source: DailyIndependentLagos
Against the backdrop of recent celebration of Mother's Day, Sandra Eguagie Programme Assistant Officer on Environment for Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ) wants violence against women and girl-child be addressed by the Nigerian government.

Source:Inter Press Service
Earlier this month, the Barack Obama administration announced a new initiative designed to improve girls’ education around the world. Dubbed “Let Girls Learn,” the programme builds on current progress made, such as ensuring girls are enrolled in primary school at the same rates as boys, and is looking to expand opportunities for girls to complete their education.

Source: AFKInsider
The dialogue around female tech entrepreneurs in Africa needs to change from usage of belittling terms such as “mompreneur” to focusing on promoting positive role models for others, according to female leaders in the sector.

Source: AllAfrica 
The Women in Parliaments' Global Forum (WIP) Summit 2015 was held in Addis Ababa, Monday to Wednesday this week March 23-25) under the theme "New Leadership for Global Challenges". Last year at their Summit in Kigali, the Women in Parliament's Global Forum adopted the Kigali Declaration that called on world leaders and parliamentarians to improve education and healthcare levels, combat poverty and gender-based violence, as well as discriminatory practices and attitudes.

Source: DisruptAfrica
The monthly MESTtalk hosted by the Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST) in Accra, Ghana will this month discuss the landscape of female techpreneurship in Africa in honour of Women's History Month.

Source: TheGuardian
The millennium development goals sought to improve the lives of people living in the global south by reducing poverty and hunger, as well as improving access to health, education and water and sanitation.

Source: Leader
Teresa of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Marquise de Laserna and President of Honor of the NGO Harambee Spain, has awarded Vanessa Koutouan with the Harambee Award for the promotion and equality of African women 2015.

Source: StarAfrica
The New Partnership for Africa Development (NEPAD) has launched the Youth Employment and Women in Agribusiness Programmes which seeks to support the economic growth and empowerment of the African women, APA can report.

Source: WFP
 For over six years, Rwanda camp for internally displaced people has been home to Insaf, her husband Hussain and their brood of seven.

Source: The Jurist
More than two hundred years since the abolition of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade on March 25, 1807, a trade that saw millions of African people taken away from their homes and families to work under brutal conditions far away from their homes and loved ones; millions of African people continue to be enslaved in their own countries, in the African continent and in many parts of the world as modern slaves to enrich the new slave masters. The majority of these victims are women and children.

Source:The Washignton Post 
In my 10 years of activism on violence against women, I’ve focused my attention on Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, countries with hellish landscapes for women. Both nations are shortlist regulars for buzzy “worst places on earth for women” lists.

Professional basketball champion, graduate degree holder, working mother of triplets: Astou Ndiaye is a woman who girls in her native Senegal can look up to – literally. At six-foot-three (190 cm) tall, Ndiaye may have been a natural fit for basketball, but the skills learned playing the game have led to her substantial success off the court as well as on it. 

Source:All Africa
Two former child brides have taken Zimbabwe's government to court in a ground-breaking bid to get child marriages declared illegal and unconstitutional.

Source: Daily News Egypt 
"I don't know" is a simple answer usually used with sophisticated questions or questions that relate to worlds out of one's interest, but not to answer the question "How old are you?" 

Source: The New Times 
Maternity leave benefit scheme is expected to be gazetted on July 1, paving way for working women going on a 12-week maternity leave to be paid their full salary throughout their leave. 

Source: The Washington Post 
This is the story of what comes after the headlines. What happens after the shock dissolves and the news marches onto the next tragedy. This is what happens to the boys, girls and women who are kidnapped by Boko Haram — and why.

Source: IPS 
At home she was subjected to death threats for defending women in northeastern Kenya who are vulnerable to rape, female circumcision and murder. This month, Amran Abdundi Amram was cheered as a hero as she collected the 2015 Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Award for Campaigning.

Source: The Observer 
At least 200 women in Kabale district tested positive for cervical cancer, in a recent testing drive by Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU).

Source: New Zimbabwe 
Giveth Mambo chose to become a mechanic because it is an unusual career choice for a young woman. I wanted to make my own life, the young Zimbabwean explains ...

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