Source: Foroyaa
The lack of safety and protection of women human rights defenders in Africa was one of the topics under discussion at the recently concluded NGOs Forum held in Banjul.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
OPHIR Energy, an oil and gas exploration company operating in Mtwara Region has donated 16m/- to Benedictine Sisters' Shangani Dispensary.

Source: Mail&Guardian
Four years ago today, 24-year-old Noxolo Nogwaza was raped and murdered in KwaThema, Ekurhuleni.

Source: UN News
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today urged faith leaders gathered in the General Assembly to stand up for the collective good and amplify their voices in support of moderation and mutual understanding, warning that he fears an "empathy gap" is causing people to turn their eyes from injustice and numbing them to atrocities.

Source: ForeignPolicy
Last week, the G20 formally established the W20, or Women20, a new initiative to promote gender inclusive growth.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
BLOG and social media owners have been urged to use their forums in pushing the gender agenda by bringing changes to various issues that have been affecting women.

Source: Mail&Guardian
Across Africa in recent years, cycles of xenophobia, ethnic hatred and homophobia have sometimes degenerated into deadly spasms of violence.

Source: All Africa
This is the 12th in a series of articles marking regional progress on gender equality and women's empowerment. This reflective piece introduces the Beijing Platform for Action for analysis. A few weeks ago, in a meeting to reflect on the past 20 years since the Beijing 4th World Conference on Women in 1995, one participant brought up the subject of who had attended.

Source: IT Web Africa
Rwanda's Minister of Youth and ICT, Jean Philbert Nsengimana has called on girls to study towards a career in ICT as a means to acquire skills and tackle unemployment.

Source: Concord Times
The National Secretariat for the Reduction of Teenage Pregnancy in Sierra Leone will this week launch a new campaign to discourage the practice of pupils and students trading sex for grades in schools and tertiary institutions across the country.

Source: Reuters
Since its founding 70 years ago, the United Nations has been led by men, a tradition that some women's rights advocates are determined to break when the global body elects a new secretary-general next year.

Source: Human Rights Watch
At least 42 Muslim Peuhl herders, mostly women and girls, are being held captive by anti-balaka fighters in the Central African Republic and are at risk of sexual violence, Human Rights Watch said today.

Source: TheStar
Kenyans are now taking their children to Tanzania to undergo female genital mutilation because of the strict and punitive laws against the offenders in Kenya.

Source: AllAfrica 
A bottom-up approach in girls' education needs to be adopted if the country is to consolidate its current gains in achieving gender parity.

Source:Project Syndicate
When Memory Banda’s younger sister was forced to marry at just 11 years old, Memory became determined to ensure that no more girls had to experience her sister’s fate. Since then, this remarkable young woman from rural Malawi has helped to persuade her government to raise the minimum age of marriage across her country, and is blazing a trail for girls that we all should follow.

Source: Ahram Online 
A call by Egyptian journalist Cherif Choubachy for veiled Muslim women to take off their headscarves (hijab) has stirred widespread controversy in Egypt.

Source:UN News Centre
Who could have imagined that a small group of women farmers from a remote village could get their marmalade made from prickly cactus pears to a major European market like Eataly in Rome? 

Source: The Guardian Nigeria 
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) said it would educate 60,000 out-of-school girls and women in Rivers and the FCT in three years.

Source: Times of Zambia 
BANK of Zambia Deputy Governor Tukiya Kankasa Mabula has urged female lawyers in Africa to upgrade their qualifications and not to resort to 'shortcuts' to succeed.

Source: Swazi Observer 
This week the Swaziland media contained several articles about the damage caused by relatives of gender-based violence victims who do not report the crimes for fear of 'airing dirty family laundry' in public (tibi tendlu or 'house rubbish.') 

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