SOURCE: Thomson Reuters Foundation
Thousands of female farmers in Tanzania, Malawi and Uganda could escape a life of poverty if better policies were adopted to bridge a yawning gap in agricultural productivity between women and men, according to a World Bank and United Nations report.

The study by the World Bank and UN Women measured the economic costs of female farmers in the three east African countries having less access to land, labour, fertiliser, crop choice and machinery that made them less productive.

Women around the world are living longer, are better educated and are marrying later than has been the case over the past 20 years, but millions remain illiterate and many have been victims of domestic violence, a U.N. report issued Tuesday said.

Men outnumber women by 62 million, a result of enduring natural selection processes. But by old age, those differences disappear as women represent 54 percent of the population over age 60. Globally, life expectancy has risen over the last 20 years, with women living to an average of 72 in 2015, up from 64 in 1995.

SOURCE: All Africa
Aisha Buhari, wife of Nigeria's president, has promised to advocate publicly for legislation against child marriage.

At an interactive session to mark this year's International Day of the girl Child, she told parents to keep their daughters in school for at least 12 years.

"No single girl will be left behind in my movement to get every girl into school," Buhari promised during an advocacy visit by adolescent girls.

Source: Al Jazeera
More than 45,000 people shelter in Malakal "Protection of Civilians" (PoC) camp, which sprawls near the Nile River in South Sudan's tortured Upper Nile State.

Source: Al Jazeera
More than 45,000 people shelter in Malakal "Protection of Civilians" (PoC) camp, which sprawls near the Nile River in South Sudan's tortured Upper Nile State. The majority of PoC inhabitants - over 25,000 - are women and girls. They are protected by a barbed-wire fence, a muddy berm, and 1,500 United Nations peacekeepers.

Source: All Africa
Minister of Gender Children and Social Welfare, Patricia Kaliati says her ministry will continue lobbying for support from various ministries to ensure that women and youth in the country have access to farming needs in order to maximize their production.

Source: Ventures Africa
Motivated by a group of bio-medical, engineering and business students from Newcastle University, women and teenage girls in rural Dufatanye in Rwanda, are beginning to adopt the use of banana made sanitary pads.

Source: Footprint to Africa
Five non-profit organisations in Kenya have received $50,000 each from Microsoft as part of the Upgrade Your World initiative, a year-long program that celebrates people and organisations doing great things.

Source: All Africa
The ANC Women's League has thrown its support behind protesting students, who it says are showing "courage and thirst" for education

Source: All Africa
The new G20 engagement group linking gender equality and growth can build on growing commitments to expand women's participation in the workforce.

Source: All Africa
Giving women the option of using contraception tailored to their individual circumstances is vital to increasing birth control in developing countries, an event heard last week.

Source: All Africa
For many women in Mandera County - a hard to reach, insecure and arid part of North Eastern Kenya - the story of life from childhood to adulthood is one about sheer pain and struggle for survival.

Source: All Africa
Rural women have been urged to engage in other economic activities instead of solely relying on agriculture for their development. Oda Gasinzigwa, the minister for Gender and Family Promotion made the call on Saturday during celebrations to mark the International Day for Rural Women in Gicumbi District.

Source:The Nation Online
Despite producing 50 per cent of the world's cassava, Nigeria exports less than one per cent of its produce, the African Development Bank (AfDB) has said.

Source:All Africa
Ahead of End Poverty Day, new World Bank Group report highlights progress and challenges, calls for ambitious efforts to collect data

Source: Foot Print 2 Africa
Five non-profit organisations in Kenya have received $50,000 each from Microsoft as part of the Upgrade Your World initiative, a year-long program that celebrates people and organisations doing great things.

Source: Premium Times
The Nigeria Country Director, African Development Bank, Ousmane Dore, said Nigerian women contribute close to 70 per cent of agricultural workforce yet get less of accruing returns.

Source: The New Times 
Hundreds of local women traders and exporters will benefit from a new programme under TradeMark East Africa (TMEA) that seeks to promote trade and support women-owned businesses in the region.

Source: All Africa
The vice governor of the central Huambo Province for social and political matters, Guilherme Tuluca, last Saturday in Calima commune, Huambo Municipality, said that rural women are fundamental in the process of boosting the agricultural sector, which in turn is a key element in the current diversification programmes of the country?s economy.

Source: All Africa
October is viewed globally as the breast cancer awareness month and it is in regards to this that a group of three students from Makerere University in Uganda have developed a new technology that detects breast cancer cells and stops the spread of the disease.

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