Source: All Africa

Girls are more likely to be married off before their eighteenth birthday than enroll in secondary school in an "alarming" 26 countries, a global charity said on Friday.

Source: All Africa
The newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offer an opportunity for a global commitment to breaking intergenerational transmission of poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination - and realizing our vision of a life of dignity for all, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon declared, marking the International Day of the Girl Child.

Source: SABC News
The 2015 ANC NGC made a few resolutions regarding the advancement of women in South Africa.

Source: All Africa
Human rights-based civil society organisations in Rwanda are contemplating challenging the Penal Code in the Supreme Court if what they see as restrictive clauses on abortion is not removed.

Source: All Africa
Scientists have come up with a new drug that could be more effective in preventing malaria in pregnant women, especially where there is resistance to current treatments.

Source: Liberian Observer
Two of Liberia's prominent women have joined some of Africa's highly influential women to inaugurate a new women's movement on the continent.

Source: Yahoo News
Less than half of the world's countries have equal numbers of girls and boys in school with not one sub-Saharan African nation achieving equality, according to a United Nations report released on Monday to mark International Day of the Girl Child.

Source: All Africa
TANZANIA is acknowledged for its commitment to amend the remaining discriminatory laws that hamper gender equality. The law of marriage and property and inheritance rights and the country's commitment to implement the principle of 50/50 is a bold step that will position the country well towards achieving gender equality and enhancing women's leadership.

Source: Liberian Observer
Two of Liberia's prominent women have joined some of Africa's highly influential women to inaugurate a new women's movement on the continent.

Source: Un Women
In 2000, the Security Council adopted the ground-breaking resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security — the first to link women's experiences of conflict to the international peace and security agenda. It focused on the disproportionate impact of conflict on women, and called for their engagement in conflict resolution and peacebuilding. In 2015, the Security Council will convene a High-level Review to assess progress at the global, regional and national levels in implementing the resolution.

Source: Channel News Asia
While the number of countries reaching equal numbers of boys and girls in primary and secondary education increased, sub-Saharan Africa has significant problems, according to a new UN report.

Source: GhanaWeb
The Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), has organised a four-day conference on Women, Peace and Security to mark the 15th anniversary of the Adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325.

Source: UN Women
As countries across the African continent gear up for elections in the coming months, women are taking an active role in ensuring peaceful voting and meaningful participation, through Women's Situation Rooms.

Source: GhanaWeb
The former President of Malawi, Dr Joyce Banda, will be a special guest at a global gathering of women leaders at the Golden Tulip Hotel in Accra on Thursday, October 8, 2015.

Source: The Monitor
There have been 32,000 new HIV infections since 2009, according to Uganda Aids Commission (AIC). This was contained in a speech delivered by Church of Uganda Archbishop Stanley Ntagali, at the high level review meeting on HIV/Aids, maternal and reproductive health, and gender violence prevention programmes, held at Hotel Africana in Kampala, on Thursday.

SOURCE: Thomson Reuters Foundation
Women in South Sudan have suffered unprecedented levels of sexual violence in the last two years, including abduction, rape, forced marriage and murder as civilians became targets of merciless ethnic warfare, the head of the Red Cross mission there has said.

SOURCE: All Africa
This week, hundreds of agriculture experts from the public and private sector will converge in Lusaka, Zambia, for the 2015 African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF). A key priority of this year's meeting is to move aggressively to incorporate Africa's soaring youth population--the 226 million people between 15 and 24 who have made Africa the world's youngest continent--into the efforts already underway to embrace our family farmers as the focal point for Africa's economic transformation.

Gender based violence is recognized as a universal problem almost reaching pandemic proportions. Notably, physical, sexual, and psychological abuse of women and girls are perhaps the most pervasive of all human rights violations throughout history, around the world.

The Nigerian military rescued 241 women and children in a raid on two camps controlled by the Boko Haram terrorist group, the country's military said Wednesday.

On September 25th, 2015, the United Nations General Assembly approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be met over the next 15 years. The excitement was still palpable the next morning at a breakfast meeting convened at the International Peace Institute on "Accelerating Efforts to Promote Gender Equality and Women's Rights."

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