Source: UN
On 31 October 2000, the United Nations Security Council adopted the historic resolution 1325, drawing attention to the differential impact of armed conflict on women, their exclusion from conflict prevention and resolution, peacekeeping and peacebuilding, and the inextricable links between gender equality and international peace and security.

Source : All Africa
In the blistering hot conference room of the Masifunde Education and Development Project Trust, 14 women with determined calm put together a statement: 'The police have told us that we must not go ahead with our planned protest at the City Hall on Friday as they cannot guarantee our safety. We cannot and will not back down'. The Voices of the Foreigner's Wives represent a large number of women still too afraid to leave their homes after the spate of xenophobic violence that shook Grahamstown a week ago.

Source: All Africa
At the core of every prosperous nation lies a healthy, economically active and thriving citizenry.

Source: Pulse
Ms Muga was awarded for her contribution in creating the Airtel Money Visa card, a virtual debit platform mirroring the telco's mobile money account.

SOURCE: All Africa
At the core of every prosperous nation lies a healthy, economically active and thriving citizenry.

Proper nourishment - which extends beyond simply putting food on the table - empowers people to live and take on new opportunities. Yet Africa's women, who often shoulder the roles of producing, purchasing and preparing the food on tables across the continent, are often excluded from decision-making tables in governments and communities.

SOURCE: Star Africa
Women and youth often suffer from poverty in Africa and India, when they should be taking a more active role in the development of their nations, South African President Jacob Zuma said in New Delhi on Thursday.Addressing the two-day India-Africa Forum Summit in New Delhi, themed "Partners in Progress: Towards a Dynamic and Transformative Development Agenda," Zuma said one focus of the partnership between India and Africa will therefore be on the skilling of the marginalised youth and women in Africa.

SOURCE: All Africa
The executive director of the Institution for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA) said his institution is a Pan-African international organisation working to promote awareness of human rights in Africa and improving the effectiveness of African human rights system.

SOURCE: The Point
In its efforts to intensify the campaign to end FGM in the Gambia, GAMCOTRAP reached out to eight communities during a sensitization workshop conducted in Sare Louba in the Lower Fuladu district close to the border area with Senegal on the South Eastern part of the Gambia. Two circumcisers, Penda Wuri Baldeh and Teneng Baldeh were identified and they were trained at an earlier training workshop held for circumcisers in Kudang. Having committed to stop the practice, they initiated a sensitization meeting and were supported by the eight communities they served. According to the village head, Yero Dem, FGM is a cultural practice that has been long held but they are committed to stop the practice and thanked the circumcisers for bringing such awareness creation activity to their people. Alkalo Dem appreciated the respect accorded to his people and those of the surrounding villages and appreciated the fact that nobody forced them but it was through their own conviction that they supported the campaign to end FGM.

Source: North African Post
In this 21st century and in a world where women are heads of State, heads of Government, leaders of political parties, CEOs, academics, physicians, soldiers, police officers, pilots, and even family income providers, it is absurd and perhaps ridiculous to continue to view and deal with women as second grade citizens.

It is worse in some countries, where women are considered as eternal minors. They cannot travel without expressed consent of their spouses, parents or an adult male relative regardless of their professional or academic status.

SOURCE: All Africa
Until November 2014, Patricia and Anthony Alinyo and their two children were an ordinary family living in eastern Uganda, in the district of Kapchorwa, in a small grass-thatched house built on a two-acre piece of land.

Then the couple was arrested after Patricia, who was pregnant with twins at the time, and a group of six other women from the village got circumcised.

SOURCE: The Conversation
If political leaders around the world are serious about gender equality, they must also get serious about climate change.

SOURCE: All Africa
About 200,000 women in Nigeria are living with Vesicular Vaginal Festula (VVF) complications, Dr Habibu M. Sadauki, country project manager of the Festula Care Plus Project, said yesterday.

Dr. Sadauki stated this yesterday in Kano, while presenting a paper at a meeting with media practitioners. He said the Northwest has the highest number of patients followed by the North-east, noting that 12,000 cases of VVF are being received annually at 13 different centers across the country.

SOURCE: All Africa
Angola is still concerned about the "deteriorating and unacceptable state of African women and youth as they face increasing levels of unemployment, poverty, armed conflicts and prevailing diseases".

SOURCE: Standard Digital
In the now highly acclaimed TED talk entitled "The Danger of a Single Story", award-winning author Chimamanda Adichie makes the point that when you show a person as one thing, as only one thing, over and over again, that is what they become.

In other words, to define a person, especially to define a person in the media, perception is more important than reality. Women leaders in Kenya have been especially susceptible to twisted attacks by a male-dominated patriarchal system that is unable and unwilling to countenance women as part of the power structure.

Source: The New Times
Maintaining hygiene and feeding children under five on food rich in proteins and vitamins is the best way to reduce child mortality in local communities, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, Henriette Umulisa, has said.

Source: UN News Centre 
Applauding the decision by Member States to include gender equality as a key plank of the newly-adopted 2030 Agenda, a senior United Nations labour agency official has stressed the importance of empowering women in employment, salaries and the working environment, urging governments to commit to this achievable, basic right.

Source: All Africa
Montserrado County District #1 Representative Josephine Francis has challenged women to see the 2017 general elections as "the perfect chance" to capture 50 percent of the 73 seats in the Lower House of the National Legislature.

Source: All Africa
Despite the advent of Christianity and Islam with the attendant change in way of life, villages in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) still indulge in the old age practice of killing of twins which the Scottish missionary to Nigeria Mary Mitchell Slessor abolished in the 19th Century.

Source: All Africa
The Ministry of Health called on stakeholders to exert more efforts to achieve health sector Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by reducing maternal and child mortality rate.

Source: All Africa
The queen of Buganda, Nnabagereka Sylvia Nagginda, has decried the high number of maternal deaths and HIV prevalence among mothers in Kayunga District.

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