Source:All Africa
On 3 November 2015, UNAMID's Gender Advisory Unit (GAU), Sector South, in collaboration with the State Ministry of Social Affairs and the UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 State Committee, organized a one-day workshop on the UNSCR 1325 Global Open Day 2015 on Women, Peace and Security at Shoumous Hall in Nyala, South Darfur.

Source: All Africa
The first woman to be ordained a priest in South Africa has died, it has been announced. The Revd Canon Nancy Charton served at Grahamstown Cathedral as a lay minister and Sunday School teacher before being ordained there first as a deacon and then, in 1992, she was one of three women ordained priest by the late Bishop David Russell.

Source: All Africa
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the Angie Brooks International Center for Women's Empowerment (ABIC) has turned over 10 of 11 motorbikes to the female motorcyclists' association, the All Girls "Pink Panthers Motorcyclists" of Montserrado County.

Source: All Africa
Dar es Salaam — Consideration of gender equality in the formation of a new cabinet must be upheld, activists have urged.

SOURCE: National Mirror
Makurdi — Women farmers in Benue State have decried the nagging issue of land ownership as the basic challenge hindering their efforts in making impact in the agricultural sector.

SOURCE: The Daily Vox
The media has been criticised for the way it portrayed students in the #FeesMustFall protests as "ungrateful hooligans" but few have criticised the manner in which the media capitalises on black students' pain and vulnerable moments to sell papers and make money, writes JODI WILLIAMS.

This year, South Africa witnessed a rebirth of student activism on university campuses across the country with the nationwide #FeesMustFall campaign, which called for free education. This wave of activism speaks to the mission of my generation, the widely criticised youth, to construct the type of society we envision which ought to be grounded on ideals of social justice.

SOURCE: All Africa
A painstaking investigation conducted by this paper has found out that Gender Based Violence (GBV) recorded in April, May and June of this year amounted to 97.6%.

SOURCE: Daily Nation
In Ethiopia, where almost nine in 10 women give birth at home with little or no support, a mobile phone app is coming to the rescue.

The "Safe Delivery App", created by the Danish development organisation the Maternity Foundation, provides simplified instructions and animated films to deal with emergencies, be it haemorrhaging, birth complications, resuscitating newborns or infections.

SOURCE:The Conversation
Screening for both cervical and breast cancer can save lives. Although many women in northern Nigeria know this, there is still reluctance to undergo these important screenings.

There are a combination of reasons that explain this. These include the high cost of screening procedures, too few facilities, not enough female healthcare workers to conduct the screenings and a host of sociocultural reasons.

SOURCE: All Africa
Economic empowerment and a thriving positive engagement in community life for women affected by HIV and AIDS was the focus of a training sponsored by the Ecumenical HIV and AIDS Initiatives and Advocacy (EHAIA) of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Harare, Zimbabwe.

SOURCE: Ground Up
Willowvale resident No-Italy Gola, 54, used a machete to fight off the man who tried to rape her. Many other women have not managed to thwart their attackers in this town where at least two rapes are reported to the police each week.

SOURCE: The Citizen
Dar es Salaam — President John Magufuli's first days in office have been characterized by his usual management style. Impromptu visits to public offices to catch lazy public servants unawares.

On Friday President Magufuli visited the Treasury and found some few empty chairs. On Monday he paid a visit to the Muhimbili National Hospital. He visit led to the suspension of both the board of directors and the acting executive director.

There is no indication that he would change his management style anytime soon. Tanzanians would keenly watch how effective that style is in improving the ineffectiveness of the civil service.

SOURCE: All Africa
Mali is entering a new era of opportunity, but while significant progress has been made, the international community 'must not take its foot off the accelerator,' a senior UN relief official said today, returning from a three-day visit to the country.

"I'm bringing for once a good news story in terms of the trajectory that Mali is now on," John Ging, the Head of Operations for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), told reporters in New York.

Source: All Africa
The just concluded General Election gave Tanzania among other things; the first female Vice President, Ms Samiah Hassan Suluhu. The outgoing Parliament's Speaker Ms Anne Makinda was among few women in the country holding big government positions.

Source: All Africa
"If women ruled the world, there would be no war, there would be a bunch of countries not talking to each other." So says a "Funny Humour Joke Poster proudly made in the U.S.A", one of several dozen countries that has never had a woman leader.

Source: CNN
Nairobi, Kenya (CNN)The "cutting room" is grim, dark and grubby. Fraying gray ropes are set into the rough dirt floor, and a curtain flutters at the open door.

Source: All Africa
Many young people have limited access to sexual and reproductive health services, making it hard for them to access family planning and HIV services.

Source: all Africa
The Women's Fellowship of United Evangelical Church, founded as Qua Iboe Church, Kaduna Area Conference, has said it will intensify skill acquisition training for its members as a way of strengthening and empowering them.

Source: All Africa
Hundreds of thousands of Namibians continue to languish in extreme poverty, mainly due to the existing unequal income distribution regime. Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila has warned that the situation is not sustainable.

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