Source: UN News Centre
The forced return from Qatar to Libya of a woman who had made complaints about gang rapes in Tripoli and was later recognized as a refugee violates international law, the United Nations refugee agency said today.

Source: UNFPA
Discussions on conflict and peacekeeping in Africa have often ignored the role of women. But this reality is gradually changing, as a growing body of activists, academics and policymakers bring women to the forefront of security agendas.

Source: Guardian
The long line of women, with babies strapped to their backs and young children by their sides, suddenly rush forward when the motorbike pulls up in the grounds of Garzon village school, about an hour and a half's drive from the Liberian capital of Monrovia.

Source: News24
Johannesburg - Gauteng Police Commissioner Lieutenant General Mzwandile Petros must ensure all unprocessed rape kits are collected from Johannesburg hospitals by week's end, the Democratic Alliance said on Monday.

Source: BBC
A Libyan woman who said she was raped by supporters of Col Muammar Gaddafi has left eastern Libya for the US, according to her sister.

Source: Make Every Woman Count    
 The UK WILPF  Voices of African Women started in November 2008 when grassroots African women campaigners from several African countries travelled to London to share their stories. The campaign has been on-going ever since and has inspired and empowered many women.

Source: Daily Monitor
These are the women who play crucial roles in shaping the future of the continent. Their ideas, policies and actions make or break economies and build or destroy fortunes…

Source: Plus News
It is three decades since the first HIV case was reported and in that time, an estimated 30 million people have died, another 34 million are living with the virus and an estimated 7,000 new infections occur every day.

Source: IRIN
A new report has rekindled debate on whether the Rwandan government "betrayed" women who were raped during the 1994 genocide by letting community-based gacaca courts process their cases.

Source: IRIN
At her grandmother's home in the western Kenyan village of Nyamataro, 14-year-old Ruth* lies on a mat surrounded by visitors, all congratulating her on becoming a woman; the previous week, Ruth was one of 10 girls to undergo female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C).

The Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the rights of Women in Africa commonly referred to as The Maputo Protocol was adopted in Mozambique on July 11, 2003. It went into effect in November 2005 after 15 of the 53 African Union Member States Ratified it.

Source: allAfrica
 Albertina Sisulu, who died in Johannesburg on Thursday at the age of 92, had little interest in politics when she met Walter Sisulu, future general secretary of the ANC. But she plunged wholeheartedly into the liberation struggle and emerged from years of detention, bannings and arrests as a major political figure in her own right.

Source: allAfrica
African youth have been urged to set their own values and make decisions on what they want to be, if they are to succeed in life.

Source: PlusNews
That young people are particularly vulnerable to HIV and AIDS is well established, but a new report reveals for the first time new data on HIV prevalence in this group, which accounts for almost half of new adult infections globally.

Source: All Africa
SENIOR government officials and delegates from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) agencies responsible for gender and women's affairs are meeting in Windhoek to consider successes and progress made during 2010/11 in the achievement of gender equity and women empowerment.

Source: All Africa
The hullabaloo about councillors with challenges in taking oaths of office in English reminds me of Mr Adeel, a technician I met in Khartoum 29 years ago.

Source: BBC News
Nigerian police have raided a hospital in the south-eastern city of Aba, rescuing 32 pregnant girls allegedly held by a human-trafficking ring.

Source: Washington Post
She's known in the community as a "one-dollar U.N. girl." At night, she sleeps on the cracked pavement outside a storefront. In the mornings, she sashays through the dusty streets, clutching a frayed parasol against the blinding sun.

Source: UNAIDS
Joint publication by UNICEF, UNAIDS, UNESCO, UNFPA, ILO, WHO and The World Bank presents data on adolescents and HIV for the first time. Every day, an estimated 2 500 young people are newly infected with HIV,  according to a global report on HIV prevention launched today.

Source: IFAD
Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary General and Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and Kanayo F. Nwanze, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD),

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