Source: Nairobi Star
Every year, tens of thousands of women and girls in Africa suffer from Obstetric Fistula, a preventable childbirth injury that results in uncontrollable flow of urine and/or faeces.

Source: All Africa
As the battle over appointment of the Supreme Court judges starts details are emerging on why women missed out on the posts.

Source: All Africa
Of the millions of dollars spent on climate change projects in developing countries, little has been allocated in a way that will benefit women. Yet, in Africa, it is women who will be most affected by climate change.

Source: Afronline
Most of the world's poor — over 1 billion people — are women and children. And women make up a large portion of any nation's human resources, providing a rich potential supply of talented scientists and innovators.

Source: The Morung Express
Below is the list of the top 10 countries for women Global Gender Index 2010.

Source: All Africa

First lady Michelle Obama is stressing the importance of family and community in encouraging young women in Botswana to reach their goals.

Source: All Africa

Africa's billion citizens are the continent's greatest asset - the potential source of a dynamic workforce and an increasingly compelling consumer market.

Source: All Africa

New mass rapes by members of the Congolese army in the Democratic Republic of Congo are the result of the government's failure to bring human rights abusers to justice, Amnesty International said today.

Source: OHCHR

"We do believe that human rights have to be there from the very beginning, and the full commitment of the authorities is very important.

Source: News from Africa

An estimate of up to 100 women have been raped in an attack in the village of Nyakiele near the town of Fizi in the east of Democratic Republic of Congo by a former armed group integrated into the Congolese army,

Source: BBC

A former Rwandan women's minister has been sentenced to life in prison for her role in the genocide and the rape of Tutsi women and girls.

Source: All Africa

Madam Salamatu Ibrahim, Nkoranza South District Director of Health Services, has called on husbands to ensure medical care for their pregnant spouses.

Source: All Africa

A report released by the Gender Monitoring Office, shows that women massively participated in the just concluded local elections.

Source: All Africa

At least 254 former Sabiny female genital surgeons in three districts of Kapchorwa, Kween and Bukwo have received grinding machines to start up a new way of life other than depending on mutilating women.

Source: All Africa

Kenyan women have a huge task ahead if they are to achieve the basic one-third representation in the next government.

Source: ICC

The International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo has requested ICC judges for authorization to open an investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed in Côte d'Ivoire since 28 November 2010.

Source: UN News Centre

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today urged societies to ease the hardship that widows endure when their husbands die by respecting their rights

Source: All Africa
A gender-sensitive political organization, "Network of Women Politicians" has appealed to President Goodluck Jonathan to improve on the number of Northern women in the proposed cabinet

Source: All Africa
President Ellen Johnson has been awarded the 2011 African Gender Award at a ceremony held Saturday night in the Senegalese capital, Dakar,

The Minister of Justice, Tharcisse Karugarama has said that violence against women and girls in African countries is an enormous challenge that rests in the hands of regional security organs.

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